Friday 28 September 2007

Friday; Late thanks

As some of you will have seen, this not so humble blog was ranked 33rd best right leaning blog and the 68/500 in terms of political blogs.

This gives myself and The Drew great satisfaction; especially that we are 2 places ahead of Stumbling and Mumbling, a fantastic blog whose only fault is the author's attempt to stay a Marxist in the face of all reason and rationality.

Clearly, we are over-ranked in this respect by the polls don't lie, do they Gordon?

Anyway, thanks for all the votes from the readership and also to the many commenters here who make this place a better read. Dearime deserves a special mention as does the recent Anon who clearly knows his onions. Ed, Ellee, Welshcakes, James, Sackerson and JJ are always good for some interesting points and Mutley has his own unique take on things.

Thanks one and all.


Sackerson said...

Congrats. Bloggers are making the paper jourmalists look to their laurels, which is why we're starting to get put-downs. Here's Charles Moore in this week's Spectator:

"One needs a word to describe the monotonously chirpy, conventionally iconoclastic, relentlessly informal tone of voice that is typical of the blog. Does the phrase ‘blog-standard’ already exist? If not, it should."

To paraphrase the music-hall song, don't write any more, Mr Moore. At least not until you've read some of us.

Anonymous said...

Well done and well deserved.

Old BE said...

Indeed you have perfected a nice mix of news and interpretation. I like it.

Anonymous said...

Well done; and as for Mr Dillowbert and "the author's attempt to stay a Marxist", I suspect he's just teasing. I hope.

Crushed said...

Congrats, Cityun.

It is a humbling experience, for sure, appearing on this lists.

Maybe we should argue about interest again?

Anonymous said...

Charles Moore is a boring tosser I think! Just wanted to mention it ... from personal experience by the way!

Sackerson said...

Mutley, do tell us Moore, don't leave us hanging...

James Higham said...

There it is, CUS - what have I always told you through your darkest hours - you're a much better blogger than me and here's the proof.

hatfield girl said...

Thank you for all the insights and all the good reads; are you right leaning? Right thinking certainly. Congratulations.

CityUnslicker said...

Sackerson - Well I don't read the speccie anyway!

Shot/Ed - thanks

Dearime - I like Chris' writing, just his logic fails sometimes.

JH - thanks, well I know you do better in other ways!

H - thank you, quite a compliment from someone as erudite as yourself.

Newmania said...

I like Charles Moore ...yes you did brilliantly CU. Only one tantalising place below me ... says a lot for you I feel
( Get in there!)

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