Thursday, 4 October 2007

Tony Ryan, 1936-2007

Boy, I remember Ryanair ! I used to have a lot of business in Cork, and the 06:00 from Stansted was the the only way to go. Chaos ! Fighting for the good seats (the ones that weren't ripped), hoping the 50 pence plastic beakers of water wouldn't run out - all to the cheery banter of the stag parties, the golfing and fishing expeditionaries, who would loudly barrack the in-flight announcements from the back and crack non-stop jokes to raise the spirits of those in steerage, i.e. everyone. (Were they really already drunk at 06:00 ?)

Never mind; the Cork taxi drivers would always offer their cordial, jovial sympathy. Tony Ryan, RIP.

Forget Barclays and ABN Amro - tell us your Ryanair stories ! No slander of product, mind ...



Anonymous said...

Ryanair to Bratislava - there were live chickens on the flight and people stood all the way - even during th landing!!

Whispering Walls said...

but what about RBS now - is it a buy?

Nick Drew said...

All the banks are doing fine at the moment - including Barclays, so losing the ABN Amro race may not have done it (Barclays) any harm at all. Always would have been a stretch.

Is 2007-08 a great time to be assimilating a huge banking acquisition ? Dunno, but my none-too-subtle instinct would be that the best time to buy something is when prices are depressed, but good times are just around the corner - like BP buying Amoco & Arco etc at $ 10 / barrel. Any good times you can identify for banks in the next short while ?

but, hey, no investment advice here, do your own research with all DD ...

Anonymous said...

Many moons ago Belfast to Glasgow in a Skyvan lots of seats most of us heavyweights being told to get a seat at the back otherwise we might have problems getting into the air,reminded me of being in a bus.

Anonymous said...

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