Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Calling the top

In 2001 it was the headline grabbing tie up of AOL and Time Warner (later to lead to the biggest corporate loss reported ever, $99 billion!).

So today could it be the Saudi Prince who bought an new A380 as a toy?

Even in the highly competitive world of Billionaire one-upmanship this surely sets a new record. Although someone this month has also paid £83 million for a small flat in Mayfair.

Generally though, when the splurging excess reaches the heights of this, buying an over-expensive jet airliner as a toy, things always point downwards...so could this be the sign?

Or is it in fact the other way round; with Saudi petro-dollars being released back to the global economy at last? Could this be the start of the rebound?

What is your money bet on?


Nick Drew said...

well it's not Alistair Darling, I'll tell you that much

CityUnslicker said...

MAy he yet get a record for one of the shortest serving Chancellor's?

Old BE said...

Gordon has really picked some lemons, hasn't he!

I don't think one of those jets would fit into my parking space, so I'll just take the Mayfair apartment (what do you get for the money though?!?!)

Steven_L said...

"What is your money bet on?" (CU)

You can get 3/10 on the Aussie to beat Sri Lanka in the second test.

That's 30% in 3 - 5 days!

I've been following all this market stuff for a while now, I've reach the conclusion you can make more money on betting that the Aussies will win cricket.

Steven_L said...

5 day weather forecast in Hobart:


I challenge anyone to tip any financial investment before the first ball of the test that beats my 30% cricket tip between now and the time that the Aussie beat them.

Nick Drew said...

@ 30% in 5 days you are in loansharking territory Steven, the Airbus will soon be yours.

Actually, I reckon there will be a major sorting of the sheep from the goats amongst the super-rich. Some of them will be sitting on something of enduring value, while others will have sunk the lot into something that will be completely wiped out in the coming months.

Easy come, easy go

Mark Wadsworth said...

That jet will probably lose a lot less of it value over the next few years than a lot of other asset classes.

CityUnslicker said...

Steven-L - the market is gambling just like sports betting in many many ways.

Good luck with your bet, much as it pains me to hope Aussies win...

CityUnslicker said...

Mark - I doubt it, who else would really want to buy it? The other Sheikhs would want their own and the Russian's are not that mad....

still I bet the harem hold would be a joy to see...

Newmania said...

Ha , I think nothing of such a purchase . From my vast Insurance related earnings this is a mere bagatelle .

YOu do fuss CU

Anonymous said...

Buy oil.
Buy gold.
Bye bye.

Whispering Walls said...

Warhols seem to have peaked...or perhaps just when their sellers are celebs? The question is, is it worth doing a quick short in BG Group and long Barclays for a swift buck, I mean, pound?

Steven_L said...

"Good luck with your bet, much as it pains me to hope Aussies win..." (CU)

Ah, but at the back of your mind you know that they will win.

Patriotism is becoming a mugs game in our globalised world.

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