Mr Drew and I are having a few drinks this Thursday. In a wild bid to increase the entertainment we thought it might be nice if the odd visitor from here were to join. We have already couple of trusty loudmouths to make-up for our somewhat dull conversation in the form of Ed, Newmania and Croydonian.
See you HERE from 6.30 - if you email me at dominicdm@yahoo.com then I can give you my mobile so that you will be able to recognise us (as if a group of bloggerati was unrecognisable, don't you watch Doughty Street?)
See you there. Don't expect Mr Drew to buy any drinks....
Wish I could. You're in Lunnon, aintcha?
ignore malicious rumours
(that'll cost me)
You calling me a lout?
says the man with the enlgand flag as his avatar...:o)
I'm afraid I can't guarantee any thuggery but I shall be there nonetheless!
I haven't used all my holiday.
I'm tempted - it would be really mad to come down there for the night, get pissed with you lot, crash out in the Generator hostel, try it on with a few Aussie birds and jump on the train again Friday morning.
Having said that I could even drive down. I've been very green and bought a diesel car. It does 50+ mpg with cruise on at 70, I could park up near some train station in North London and continue my journey from there.
I'll see about a day off on Thursday and think about it.
Where will this be?
near London bridge JJ, click on the HERE for a link
This might make good reading, boys:
Great blog and merry xmas to you all.I was last in London 35 years ago so wont be going in person.Will be there in spirit!!
Cant stand large cities and love the wilderness of Glos. Regards, ken
My boss never came to work today. His excuse? He punched his shower off the wall because it would not give him any hot water and flooded his house.
I think there might be more to it. He referred to a couple of blokes in the office as 'the two gay-boys' last week while his boss was away (to their faces) and one of them put a written complant in against him. I think it is company procedure to make a suspension in such circumstances and look like they are taking it seriously lest be sued for discrimnation/harrassment. If he's not in tomorrow this is almost definately what has happened.
I can always get the stand-in to authorise a day off. I'm thinking about it.
Anyone know of any free overnight parking in London? Up here if I drive down to the pubs to see who is there I can leave my car in the local supermarket car park all night should I end up staying.
Can you do this in London or does Red Ken clamp you?
I will of course be there as advertised . Oho mysery Ed eh that will be interesting .
Well done CU
Dropped you an email.
N I am no mystery. You shall see I am actually a bit of a dullard.
Stephen L, there are certainly streets around where I live which you can park overnight as long as you drive away quite early. I wouldn't recommend it though, I live in the badlands.
Steven L - sorry for the delay...driving to London is something I always avoid. A very costly venture even before you get an invevitable parking fine
not received it wolfie?
Master Unslicker,
I shall be attending: fear not, I shall merely listen for the sound of Newmania talking and I'll find you...
What about Dizzy and Guido et al? This sounds great fun, so much talent in one room. Sorry not to miss out this time, hope to be able to make it another time.
Will be nice to see you Mr Devil.
Shame you can't make it ellee....Guido is merely copying as I posted first!
With such lofty talents going I think I shall just sit back and soak up the intellect!
Phil's coming - he wants to relish making me pay up on last night's football bet in front of an audience, the miserable toerag.
I will be rolling along from a leaving drinks party. You'll be able to recognise me as I will be wearing an Everton beanie and laughing at Croydonian.
Betting on a West Ham win? Mr C must be full of the joy's of Christmas!
I have to warn you that I returned from a very pleasant lunch with Guido to some real crap -- the Constitution signing, the Iraqi interpreters not getting into the country and a load of other things -- and I may actually have to murder someone...
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