GDP trumps GHG – every time
This week’s pitiful Badger-Budget was trailed as being green, but in the event there were no green signs that might be remotely consistent with the Herculean enviro-energy endeavour that NuLab has signed us up for.
As we’ve discussed here before, the EC’s “20/20” scheme for reducing European greenhouse gas (GHG) output calls for expenditure and effort on a humungous scale, of the order of magnitude of waging a major war or, less violently, of an undertaking like the German Einheit. Several percent of GDP would be required - around €12 per citizen per week - over a sustained period, starting soon.
So you’d expect to have heard a rather loud starting-pistol being fired on Wednesday. But no. Which reinforces the strong suspicion that when times are tight, GHG can go hang; it’s GDP that wins every time.
Entirely consistent with this is today’s news that the messianic ACL Blair is to lead the global charge towards 50% reductions in GHG by 2050. This would be the same Blair that as PM banged on endlessly about climate change being the biggest problem facing the world, while presiding over a significant increase in the
Who better to front up for a similar conceit on a global scale ?
GDP trumps GHG every time. If politicians wish us to take their pious outpourings seriously, they will need to stop hoiking the entire Eurocracy from
It's reassuring to know that Brown and his glove puppet aren't insane, and therefore are not likely to (knowingly) kill the goose that lays the golden tax eggs.
I can cope with this. Seeing them simply as cynical thieves lying to us to extract as much tax as possible at least makes them human.
John - welcome. Your's is probably the right way to view the organised hypocrisy. But I can't help thinking it's difficult to pursue the highest-level public policy with complete dishonesty over what's really being done.
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