Tuesday, 7 July 2009

That’s Why I Hate (Most of) the French

This is Robert Louis-Dreyfus, of the famous French merchant family. He died on Saturday. Yes, he did indeed sometimes look a bit like Jeremy Clarkson.

As well as being a rogue, and prominent in business (CEO of Saatchi, Adidas, owner of Marseille soccer club), in the family tradition he was a great believer in open markets, and was active in efforts to kick-start competition in the French electricity and gas sectors. This is a noble calling, as the majority of the French (along with the even more strategically situated Germans) are doing their level best to prevent competition from taking hold. To the detriment of all of us.

You sometimes encounter other highly competent French businessmen who’ve seen the light. If they and M.
Louis-Dreyfus can see the merits of competition, why can’t the rest of the froggies ?



Ritchie H said...

Tell me about it.

I live in Strasbourg...moved here 3 years ago.

The French want more protectionism however they are slowly coming to terms with the fact that more protectionism means less jobs and less wage.

I think it is a bit like the Federal Reserve money multiplier dropping below 1. Where the addition of more money is to the detriment of the system....replace money with protectionism.

The French have to be pushed into a corner before things change...usually they change from one extreme to another quite quickly, reflecting the latin mentality....just ask my wife :)

Good day to you!


roym said...

there seems to be some curious attachment to "national champions". When will they realise that the only thing E.on or EDF champion is receiving a nice juicy cheque from us every 3 months