Monday, 21 September 2009

Brown to Save the World - Again !

Not content with saving the world once, the PM is limbering up to do so again ! Or so says the BBC.

"The climate deal planned for Copen- hagen in 10 weeks' time is in grave danger of failure, the prime minister has said. Gordon Brown has become the first world leader to offer to go to the Danish capital to help seal the deal. The annual climate negotiations are normally done by environment ministers, but they lack the political muscle to make the big spending decisions which underpin the talks."

Mankind shall forever be in his debt. But only on his dreams. Hint to Beeb: no need to publish these No.10 briefings any more - Mandelson has told everyone it's OK to ignore him.


UPDATE - PODCAST ALERT: steering carefully away from another YouTube fiasco, Brown has podcasted for us. It's all going so well in a characterless, Vallium-induced monotone - until 1 min30, when you can clearly hear him do that smile thing !


Old BE said...

"big spending decisions"

The decision should be quite simple: we can't afford a red cent.

Elby the Beserk said...

Can't he just be put down? Humanely. Or inhumanely, I'm past caring.

lilith said...

Nick, I think you win the prize for the most scary pic of Brown on the net.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Blimey, your right Lils!

This must be the nightmare caption competition...

"Michael Jackson to become new Prime Minister"

Demetrius said...

Could the PM kindly redress the imbalance in our climate. We could do with some rain and a good blow down here in the South East. That greedy lot to the north are hogging all the lovely wind and rain. Give us back our equinoctal gales!

Nick Drew said...

Lil - can't possibly tell you how I came into a position to take this photo ...

Electro-Kevin said...

Paving the way for Emperor Blair.

Anything to keep Nu Lab in charge until the Lisbon Treaty is ratified and our referendum is denied for good - then Britain can go hang.

This is all to impress the chattering classes - Brown doesn't realise that he's being played like a puppet by Mandelson.

lilith said...

Nick, I don't want to know.

I suspect that Brown knows that he is under Mandy's cosh E-K. He just hopes that the Great British Public don't. Whether he has cottoned on to the probability that Mandy is briefing against him I can only guess.

James Higham said...

The debt we owe this man must be running into the zillions. He'll go down as the greatest statesman since Napoleon, minus any victories.

Barking Spider said...

If he's done a podcast, he can clean it up himself!

Letters From A Tory said...

Oh for gods sake, who is he kidding? Doesn't he realise that we don't buy this 'save the world' rubbish?

Philipa said...

Well I want to be boring and not poke fun at Brown (even tho it is fun) and engage with the issue, because I just can't get my breath at the hypocrisy!

On climate change: ignoring the fact that climate change has happened since the world began and taking into account the effect humans have on the world, and even ignoring china, Texas, etc. (who make the UK's contributions akin to being told off for farting in a hurricane), the taxation structure for encouraging/discouraging green behaviour is pants. It's nonsensical, not joined-up thinking at all. Take electric cars - as long as you don't see the emmisions they're not happening? Hello?? Prince Charles (he deserves a positive mention on this one) has launched an initiative to remind us to save the rainforests. Yes yes I know that bleeding heart is old hat but it's actually very sensible - they are natures kitchen and the lungs of the world. ALL of it. Climate change? Bullying us is like getting us to put one less lump of coal on the fire whilst surgically removing bits of our lungs, daily.

Don't buy anything new that is teak or mahogany.

On the national debt: they gave back the cap and now admit we're broke. Doh!