David Dimbleby will be joined in Cardiff by Peter Hain, Dr Liam Fox, Elfyn Llwyd, Nigel Farage and Janet Street Porter.
Farage has been sounding off about the uselessness of Van Rompuy.
JSP is good for sexuality and social media stories...
BQ predicts...
- Hospital deaths and trusts
- Bullying Brown + Badger baiting
- Sexualisation of Jordan's children
- Argentina / UK oil
- School committees
OK, flushed with success from last week, I am on a roll
1) Cheryl Cole - how much £££ ?
2) South African wine outselling French wine - WTF, is nothing sacred ?
3) BA - strike or no strike ?
4) Teaching homosexuality in Muslim faith-schools (good luck Peter Tatchell) - is nothing sacred ?
if time permits: Killer Whales - why so named ?
* Bankers bonuses
* Farage's bullying Rompuy -Brown bullying Darling all rolled into a rambling Q
* Assisted suicide changes
* Hospitals: deaths by targets
* Press Complaints
{If time - should John Terry call Cheryl Cole?}
Miss CD - if you are right abt bullying (and I rather think you are - if only I had thought of it!) we may be sure P.Hain will invoke Andy Coulson ...
British gas profits
Farage and EU
Bankers Bonus
Assisted suicide non clarification
Bullying helpline was wrong to get involved
Celtic independence
Home schooling
Faith school sex teaching u-turn
Falklands oil
Final quip - protected cheese names
(without read ing anyone else!)
- scottish referendum proposals: any lesson/opportunity for Wales
- gordon brown bullying, and should there be an enquiry
- RBS results and fat cat bonus
- Speaker Bercow: shady campaign for relection, misuse of parliament
- new guidelines on assisted death
Can I have a bonus if anyone mentions Killer Killer Whales (or indeed Wales)
Bankers Bonuses
- A chance for all to say they are too big.
Sex Ed. in School
- Is teaching children that contraception is a sin ok in a state funded school?
Argentina / Iraq
- would we defend Port stanley now?
The Deficit
- Will the UK be like Greece soon?
- Passion v Opression
1. Teaching PHSE in schools - the cop out clause for faith schools.
2. Bullying: how do we expect politicians to conduct themselves towards those around them?
3. Argentina: why are we causing trouble for a mere spes when it won't affect peak oil even if there is oil there?
4. Blinkered target- think causing immeasurable suffering in hospitals.
5. If time, free speech and science: can scientific debate coexist with current UK libel laws.
Right, just watched the news so:
How many of the dead unburied in the Labour Winter of Discontent are still stored above ground? (Naples Poggio Reale cemetery found with 'unofficial bone stores', serendipitously produced by the melting away of the flesh of those dumped, plastiwrapped and stacked here and there in various sheds and stores)
Should a statute of limitations for not understanding the terms and conditions for obtaining a mortgage be rushed through Parliament?
Is recognition of the difference between de jure and de facto the dividing line for any further UK adventures in the imperial wars of others?
Sex in school to be taught through the study of classical Greek?
Eating people is wrong even if you are a captive, performing shark.
How gutless is Brown?
1. Very;
2. Only when faced with a decision;
3. Only when saving the world;
4. Only when calling an election;
5. He's not gutless - he's superman.
I really dislike the BBC's roaming weather map. I thought I would get used to it but I still think its crap.
1st - how damaging is Brown's bullying to Labour. JSP y - Farage - don't know. Elfyn - maybe but lets not talk about it - Hain - well he should know. He was on the end of it over the deputy leadership fraud funding. Doesn't answer the question though. Fox - brings up the Chancellor being bullied, and Elf gives Mr Drew the bonus point for bringing in the Coulson defence. {A superb piece of Camby/Mandy misdirection}.
2 - a second bullying question. Most unusual. Will score that twice. "At my signal, unleash Hell on the Chancellor." Hain has yet to deny any of the allegations himself. He says they aren't proved, which is not the same thing at all.
And a bonus point again for Miss CD's Van Rompuy bullying link.
3-RBS bonuses. Will the panel all bash the banks? Hain "started in America " - Keep up Hain. Its "A future fair for all"now. Work it in man! Forgot Farage was a banker!
4- Schools sex ed bill. Should Eddie Balls have fiddled with it?
Wayne Bride Q - wasn't really expecting this from a Welsh crowd.
Lets have a look at the old score board:
BQ: 2 and a bonus =3
ND: 1 + 1 bonus for Coulson, though it was Elfyn, not Hain.
Miss CD: 3 + a John Terry = 4
Miss S-J: 3
Malcolm tucker: 2 {no swearing Malc}
Botogol: 2 but no killer whales
Anon@9.30: 3 good ones
Amy: 2 + a 1/2 for blinkered targets that came up a few times.
HG: just the sex in the Greek style. 1
JH Zero. But the answer to all your questions is there is talk on Guido now of an imminent election on the back of the reduced 5 point Tory lead. Brown would have a majority and the IMF would be on standby.
Winner - Miss CD for a superb score of 4
I considered england football team and deliberately discarded it becasue QT was in Wales. I was pleased when the audience member made the same point and asked DD to move on. DD looked most startled a genuine 'that got me' moment. He had evidently forgotten that Wales is not in England.
Just four topics. Was that the fewest ever on an edition of QT? DD shoudl have made JSP and NF shut up.
Next weeks's QT is at Canary Wharf. :-) I have applied for a ticket. If I get in I will be entering this competition using a sock puppet :-)
Brown would have a majority and the IMF would be on standby.
That's not a bad summation.
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