Monday, 8 February 2010

Sad Al Campbell

TV tears from Campbell ? Well, he is trying to sell his book to women readers ...


Sackerson said...

No lo creo, and I said so on mine last night.

measured said...

Oh, give over boys. Women are more intelligent than this.

Campbell might hope women may say "Come up" but what they are really saying is "Come-Upp-Ance" fair and square. He was a control freak who danced to his master's tune.

Joanna Cake said...

It must have been a very stressful time and I did feel quite sad for him... but I wouldn't buy his book :)

Love the drawing!

Old BE said...

Surely he must have realised the irony in complaining about media pressure? Having said that, he is the ultimate bully, so is unlikely to realise what a horrible spiteful nasty little shit he is.

Nick Drew said...

Rolf I have clicked on your profile in vain so your own piece may not be getting the visitors you would like

measured and Joanna, you may need to compare notes ! (tx Joanna, BTW)

BE - agreed: is it too much to ask (well obviously, yes) that one of these questioners turns on him with

matey you seem to forget that I was one of the poor saps you used to scream at down the 'phone etc etc ?

actually, is it too much to ask for a public service broadcaster to set up a sting, in order to record one of these spin-doctor diatribes ? (well, obviously ...)

Sackerson said...

Like the pic, Nick, by the way. Instantly recognisable, esp. the scowl.

Nick Drew said...

thanks Sackers, I have become quite enamoured of the possibilities of powerpoint(R)