Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Chancellors' debate; Another Strategic Vince Error

Saw only highlights of this - bit of a damp squib. All agreeing the end of the world is night but we are not going to tell you what we are going to do about it becuase it is too scary.

Cable coming off best by common acclaim because he can say what he likes and lies about his past record - not that he has any to speak of in Government.

Sad really, Vince gets everything wrong on the big issues, like nationalising Northern Wreck and wanting to raise lots of taxes, or not.

But he made a huge error in being so personally vindictive against George Osborne. Hh how fun to play the crowd! But it rather ruins any chance of a post-election team up with the Tories; that maybe what Vince wants, I don't think his boss Mr Clegg is going to be so happy.

Typical Lib Dems, close to power yet still able to spurn it due to personal bitterness. They can't help being the Jealous party, its a nasty trait.


Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

"Return to your constituences, and, er, prepare for a hung Parliament" doesn't seem to have the same ring somehow does it...

Steven_L said...

Darling was obviously pitching himself at a different crowd than my neighbours, whom I doubt turn over for this kind of thing.

I missed Labour's visit on Saturday, but they left me a leaflet and a kind of newspaper thing.

The leaflet asked me to think about where the tory axe would fall, and listed lots of benefits. Before going on to try and frighten me about dying of cancer.

The newspaper said that if I lose my job and get someone pregnant I can have a free laptop and broadband! Happy days!

Malcolm Tucker said...

I already lost my job and got a girl pregnant some years ago. Do I still qualify or is the offer conditional on voting Labour?

James Higham said...

Will they all wake up to Red Vince?

Modo said...

"The newspaper said that if I lose my job and get someone pregnant I can have a free laptop and broadband! Happy days!"

*Please more information.