Tuesday, 30 November 2010

New UK Nuke To Be Built . . . Errr

Stirring headline in the Telegraph:

"Consortium to build UK nuclear power plant: three more energy companies have officially joined the race to build nuclear plants in Britain. Scottish & Southern, GDF Suez and Iberdrola are planning to construct their plant adjacent to the Sellafield nuclear site in Cumbria"

Wow, that must have made Chris 'Crapper' Huhne's day. Oh, wait a minute ...

"They will not make a final decision on whether to go ahead with the project for another five years"

Ah, that sort of 'race'. Keep up at the back, there ...



Budgie said...

Is that Huhne or Hoon? Or both at the same time?

Anonymous said...

Maybe, possibly, some time, never. But what about the radio active waste, oh I forgot they have to persuade HMG to deal with that or no deal.

Anonymous said...

The people won't be happy when the lights and heating start going out when generating capacity undershoots demand. That'll be the winter of 2015-2016 by all accounts.

It'll be ironic when everyone sees the windmills stationary on bitter winter days as the mercury falls below zero.

Budgie said...

This winter will be hard. It follows the 16 year cycle of previous bad winters - 1931, 1947, 1963, 1979, 1995 (milder), and now 2011.

Have we enough gas to go round? Will we able to run the old coal stations? And thank previous people (but not Huhne) who gave us what few nuclear stations we do have.

rwendland said...

Nuclear Engineering International have a bit more on this. They've teamed up to buy 470 acres of land at Sellafield for £70 million. Cheaper than the previous land the NDA sold.

But where are Steve Bell's two headed sheep going to live now?

Nick Drew said...

yes, and will the wind blow (like, it didn't last January ...)

and what will poor robin do then, poor thing ?

Anonymous said...

I keep looking for superlatives to describe the uselessness of everbody involved with this, but can't.

This could and should have been dealt with ten years ago.

At the very least, put up a few new coal-fired stations. (Nope, EU won't let us.)

Nick Drew said...

Anon - we're quite keen on the right type of coal plant around here (see this from 3 years back)