Thursday, 2 May 2013

Question Time: Wipeout edition.

On the panel are;
 The deputy leader of the Labour Party, Harriet 'Horrible' Harperson MP; 
Lib Dem peer, Shirley "for God's sake retire!"Williams; 
historian David " Henry VIII didn't do welfare.."Starkey;
 and broadcaster and columnist,
 Victoria 'poker' Coren

A better panel than last week, so hopefully not another borehole. On twitter people kept saying "The Greens actually voted in this person to be leader. Imagine how dreadful the other candidates must have been."..I can never remember whether the whole show becomes a local votefest or they spread the stories around. Will go for mostly locals.

BQ says - 
1. Is the strength of feeling for UKIP a game changer?
2. Is Ed Moribund ready to be Prime Minister ?
3. Should we all stop buying clothes from Primark?
4. South African aid gets the chop. Good idea or abandoning the most unfortunate?

4 q limit I think. 

This tournament is still sponsored by 
Timbo 614
Week 14

DtP 100 -wow!

BQ(MP) 88
ND 87

 Timbo614 85
Measured 85
 Hopper 81
GSD 74
Budgie 71 

Malcolm Tucker 69

 Botogol 65
kynon 64
Blue Eyes 60

Idle 48
Taff -40
CU 38

Sackerson - 11
 Andrew - 9

James Higham - 7 
 Phil5 - 2


DtP said...

Yee haw!

An veritable smorgasboard of Kippin' based snacks.

1) Are UKIP a protest party or are they now a mainstream party?

2) Is the co-alition still a viable vehicle of governance?

3) How will immigration affect unemployment in a manufacturing city? Coupled with (or, rather, the flip side same question) how can growth be stimulated to give rise to better employment prospects?

4) Should aid be ringfenced?

5) Do shoppers have a social responsibility where they purchase their goods 'n' wares.

Good luck folks.

To UKIP and Beyond!!!

Whoops - Dimbletie - a greenish number with a maroon hue ( that right?)

Bill Quango MP said...

Dimbytie- red and orange.

CityUnslicker said...

Dimbytie - green with yellow stripes

1. Local elections - what has happened to the BNP....

2. Tories stop foreign aid - heartless bastards

3. Celebrity arrests - handwringing all round and calls to have em strung up

4. manufacturing still in recession, daggers car plant is closing after all.

Taff said...

I would recommend everyone to see Dartford before they die. I don't see why I should be the only one to suffer.

Since its an all female panel, I've adjusted my questions accordingly.

1. If the Labour party goes back to reasserting its socialist and democratic beliefs, would they be more successful? (SW)

2. Gender Politics. Are men just better at it? (HH)

3. Will Thatcher be remembered now that she has gone?(DS)

4. Immigration. Should we block the bridge and fill in the tunnel?

Tie: Mauve bordering on purple.

Given the opposition, I don't think they have forked out a lot on appearance money tonight.


measured said...

Evenin’ all.
1. Are Labour being left behind given all the talk is of UKIP and the Tories. Watch Harperson’s hackles rise.

2. Drones – aerial occupation with the ability to kill. Cheap, effective, sinister.. hey, who’s complaining as I can’t hear them?

3. Should spending to the NHS be ‘ring-fenced’? Cameron is to cut a hole in the fence.

4. Moral responsibility – what we buy, whether corporations pay tax and who the government employs. Shirley will love this one.

5. Can’t pay off your mortgage? Well, sell your house or raid your pension. Poor IFAs, do they hand back the commission?
Tie – orange, like his goldfish one. I liked that one.

gsd said...

Hi all. Having missed the last 2 goes, I've finally managed to get my act together (well, at least enough to put some guesses down!).

1) Snoopers' Charter: Has Clegg finally done something useful, or will it be open season for terrorists & organised crime?

2) Will ken Clark's remarks draw ppl towards or away from UKIP?

3) How in God's name did the bloke selling fake bomb detectors ever get government assistance/approval?

4) Is the Sun newspaper's "staying neutral because all the parties are equally rubbish" stance a good or bad thing?

5) Will the latest ECHR ruling on asylum seekers be challenged by the government?

Dimbletie = pink & yellow.

Sackerson said...

1. Why did so many people vote for the fruitcakes?

Dimblebytalk: if like his radio bro, personal word count higher than either of the 2 lowest-scoring panel members (yes, I did the research, in 2007). And at least 2 futile, unrepresentative "straw polls".

idle said...

Dimbletie = Checkerboard multi colour

1. Will Bulgaromanians take all our jobs, innit?

2. Would Victoria Coren have ever got a gig withaht er oldman?

3. Does Labour represent the workimg class of Suvvern Ingerland ennymoor?

4. Should Suth Effrika be seen as a change in policy on aid?

5. Is Cameron donald ducked of he loses half his local council seats tonight?

Timbo614 said...

Time for the poll of polls again! Where is everyone! Forget these local elections C@W is where the action is this Thursday[Timbo's sponsorship rallying call!).

1) How many buckets of cold water do the panel think the clowns are going to throw over the ConDemLabs or are the Cons just going to get a good old fashioned mid term kicking? The latter is what I voted for :)

2) Are the ECB getting desperate? Interest rate down + ready to do more (anything??) Is this the turning point away from Euro Austerity - Should Boy George follow suit?

3) Foreign Aid - Like a thing your Aunt gave you but don't know what it is or is for? It's about time, but it is really just another UKIP spoiler.

4) The interest only mortgage scare - I'm going to run with this because I am in precisely that position it actually runs out in 2 years - and I don't have the 50K! [I am in the process of rolling it over into an offset mortgage tho' as I have most of it:)]

Tie, hmm, bluey-black with fishes.

Hopper said...

Dimbletie: something nautical, perhaps dark blue with little anchors.

1. Is a vote for UKIP a vote for the Labourdems? What's the tipping point from a protest votes?
2. Oh, let's say Google and taxes, why not. Should we let multinationals get away with paying the taxes they legally owe?
3. If people with interest-only mortgages can't afford them with the past few years of tiny rates, why did the banks loan to them?
4. Maybe 3. segues into Lloyds finally turning a profit, ain't it grand?
5. Afghanistan deaths, what are we still hoping to achieve there?

I'm optimistic for an entertaining show with Starkey and Coren. Especially with Harman as fodder.

Budgie said...

1. ECB cuts interest rate to 0.5% in the EZ - is this the beginning of the euro resurgence? When will England'n'Wales'n'N-Ireland join the euro, our density?

2. Old codgers being collared for their youthful nastiness - any more than Savile/Roache/Hall? Is the BBC (or ITV) to blame? Bullying and sexual harassment at the Beeb - does it still go on?

3. Roadside bombs in Afghanistan - 3 killed in Mastiff - should we be there at all? Noble-sacrifice/greater-good/protect-us-from-terrorism/protect-Cameron's-ass/FCO-can't-think-of-anything-else/etc.

4. Why are the LibLabCons frightened of Nigel Farage since he is only a fruitcake loony gadfly? Will UKIP get millions of council seats?

5. Mortgages: shortfalls to interest only mortgages - will this lead to more foreclosures, just when the banks are beginning to lend again?

Nick Drew said...

Dimbletie purpl-ish

1) should E.II abdicate like that pleasant Dutch lady?
2) BBC bully-culture (I dare them) / Roache etc
3) something UKIP
4) something Afghan (sorry, not feeling very detailed this evening)
5) something 'glass ceiling'

that's yer lot

phil5 said...

Fantastic - 60 seconds in and Starkey's insulted most of the panel! A piffling fight-back from Vicky 'poker tits' Coren!

Bill Quango MP said...

Just caught the end. Was it any good? Last Q is a deadly dull NHS one that we've already had 10 times this season.

DIMBYTIE - Yellow and green peril.

Bill Quango MP said...

First question. Will the "clowns & fruitcakes" have the last laugh?

Second question - should wealthy pensioners hand back their bus passes?

3 - is appetite for cheap clothes indirectly responsible for Bangladesh disaster?

Our final question of the night is about the NHS. Is it safe in this government's hands?

Glad I missed it. NHS- Bus pass-UKIP loonies- and globalisation. It looks like an outtakes show on Dave + Extra.

BQ - 6

DTP - 6

CU - 3 + dimbytie win for 4 = 7

Taff - bit off tonight - 2

Measured -5 + the only one to get NHS + 2
= 7

gsd - welcome back - 4

Sackerson - Only guessed 1q and hit the jackpot - 3 + 1 for fewer than 4qs = 4

idle - another a bitt off - 3 +1 because you are right about Vikki. But I do like her even though I rarely agree with her. Her 'I'm just an ordinary bird who finks its like this...' ordinary working class sort of reply , does wear a bit thin at at times. But at least she's entertaining.

Timbo - 3 +1 for 4qs = 4

Hopper - hmmm -2. And your optimism for a good show? According to Twitter it seems misplaced.

Budgie - 3 but I liked the density/destiny. = 4

Nd - 2 {but you are away}

Phil5 - I didn't mean poker tits!
But now you come to mention it..David Mitchell must look at the averagely endowed Lauren Laverne with envy.
- 2 points.

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Blue Eyes said...

Any points for going to the football instead?

Kynon said...

Meh. Clearly my lot have taken their eye off the ball now that relegation can be avoided.

referencement maroc said...
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DtP said...

Huzzah. David Starkey was brilliant - how to insult everyone in 10 seconds and have them all STFU. Awesome! Cheers BQ.

Bill Quango MP said...

kynon - BE - always 1 point for turning up. + BE, I hope it was the Chelsea game, in which case that's an extra point.

we used to live near the Chelsea training ground in Cobham. You'd see the players and wags all the time in the town. It was a good bit of celeb spotting. As i was pushing a 4 year old Miss Quango one day I pointed and said to her "Those are the footballers that daddy watches on the Telly. They play in that flag shirt with the red cross on it too..For England where we live."

And as we walked past them she yelled out

"Hello football men ..daddy says you're all rubbish heads!"

Blue Eyes said...

HAHAHAHAH! Brilliant!

Yes they were indeed the mighty blues. And if I am extremely lucky I shall be going to Amsterdam too :-)

I stopped off at a cash point in Cobham at some silly hour last weekend (emergency taxi) and disappointingly there were no football brawls happening.

Bill Quango MP said...

It was to Terry and Lampard too.
And they had both been the best players.

If you are in Cobham John Terry's motor always has the JT26 plate.
Usually in a lay-by on the A3 when he's 'playing away'

DtP said...

Bottom of the page:

That the end of Lib Dems then? Party time!


SALISOFT said...

Wipeout edition.very good and very interesting.... so thanks for sharing with us those good article i like it so much."""
"""" 1. Is the strength of feeling for UKIP a game changer?
2. Is Ed Moribund ready to be Prime Minister ?
3. Should we all stop buying clothes from Primark?
4. South African aid gets the chop. Good idea or abandoning the most unfortunate?

4 q limit I think. """

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assurance info said...

really this is nice and i like so much the ideas of this great article....
""""" 1. Is the strength of feeling for UKIP a game changer?
2. Is Ed Moribund ready to be Prime Minister ?
3. Should we all stop buying clothes from Primark?
4. South African aid gets the chop. Good idea or abandoning the most unfortunate?

4 q limit I think. """..

assurance info said...

"""" A better panel than last week, so hopefully not another borehole. On twitter people kept saying "The Greens actually voted in this person to be leader. Imagine how dreadful the other candidates must have been."..I can never remember whether the whole show becomes a local votefest or they spread the stories around. Will go for mostly locals.

BQ says -
1. Is the strength of feeling for UKIP a game changer?
2. Is Ed Moribund ready to be Prime Minister ?
3. Should we all stop buying clothes from Primark?
4. South African aid gets the chop. Good idea or abandoning the most unfortunate?

4 q limit I think. """"

assurance info said...

""""""" Fast-forward to 2013, and Koper once again has a German connection, and an equivocal one at that. The Slovenian economy is on the brink and German banks have been to the fore in lending to keep them afloat.""""""""""....................................

Anonymous said...

I still think its really useful. I still really like your writing style. Keep up the great work.

Agence communication said...

wonderful said "" A better panel than last week, so hopefully not another borehole. On twitter people kept saying "The Greens actually voted in this person to be leader. Imagine how dreadful the other candidates must have been."..I can never remember whether the whole show becomes a local votefest or they spread the stories around. Will go for mostly locals.

BQ says -
1. Is the strength of feeling for UKIP a game changer?
2. Is Ed Moribund ready to be Prime Minister ?
3. Should we all stop buying clothes from Primark?
4. South African aid gets the chop. Good idea or abandoning the most unfortunate?

4 q limit I think. ""