Wednesday 15 May 2013

Woe is us!

Having had one of those days yesterday (triple whammy of duff events) there is nothing else to cheer oneself up than looking around to see everyone else is suffering too. This I fear places me firmly in the realm of a socialist, so this will be a one off post and normal service will be resumed shortly.

The fact that everyone else is suffering is being well reported by the OECD with Britain making marked falls in the overall well being tables. The excuses given out are what we all know, unemployment, higher taxes leading to lower disposable income.

Overall the effect is to say that we are as poor as we were in 2005. Now this bit I can agree with, I definitely remember a time of going on holidays and being able to buy new cars, TV's etc, this does now though seem like a dim and distant memory - but 2005...golly!


Anonymous said...

If we could only get public spending to 2005 levels, we'd have the deficit issue assessed as well...

[Thanks Labour - you cunts]

Bill Quango MP said...

2005 was a low point for me. No payrises for 2 or 3 years.
It does feel like that again.

Demetrius said...

Was that the year that Wigan were promoted to the Premiership? I recall then suggesting that a bust was impending which only inspired people to think I needed a head transplant. That Autumn the USA property market began to stall. And then.........

A church mouse said...

Yeah, 2005 was the year I bought my present car. Still going strong as it is looked after, but it will be another 8 years before I even contemplate changing it (unless tragedy strikes the old crate).

andrew said...

I distinctly remember that the range/ quality of cheese at the local deli was much better back then.

I think that Primark didnt exist as such

Despite global warming, the summers were warmer.

My knee didnt ache after a run (I was still running)

Tony Blair was in power.

well, you cannot have it all.

Blue Eyes said...

2005! I was a carefree live-at-home cash cow! Glory days!

Nope, I think I prefer 2013.

Electro-Kevin said...

2004 was the year that I made the biggest (financial) fuck up of my life so 2005 was a low and not just because of the economy. I took a dip in pay, a loss in assets and a rise in costs.

It was the year that I started blogging - a form of catharsis.

2013 is better but only because I don't care as much as I used to. In truth I am yet to recover from 2005.

Anonymous said...

And just to add to my economic misery AFE has just gone mammary glands up.

Budgie said...

Also dozy as Anon above is really Budgie.

assurance auto said...

to lose every thing really is a perfect and very good things . this can make us in the best way in a good task.."""" The fact that everyone else is suffering is being well reported by the OECD with Britain making marked falls in the overall well being tables. The excuses given out are what we all know, unemployment, higher taxes leading to lower disposable income. """