Thursday, 18 July 2013

Miliband reviews Labour's historic links to the BBC

Ed Miliband set on reform, but not on break with the BBC

Ed Miliband has explicitly ruled out breaking Labour's historic links with the BBC, saying he wants to "mend not end" the relationship while giving individual watching people more of a role in choosing what’s on TV.

After a week in which allegations of policy-rigging by Labour's largest backer, The BBC, Miliband says the millions of hard watching people viewing Strictly Come Dancing are the party's "biggest asset".

Hinting that he is looking at ways to involve them more he said "What both people in the Labour party and the BBC understand is that far too few of the viewers are actively engaged in any sort of politics at all.. So we should mend the relationship, not end it."

He also warns the likes of BBC's Chris Patten that he will not tolerate special favours: "Labour can only succeed as a living, breathing party that clearly stands for the national interest, not just a sectional sopping wet, bleeding heart, liberal interest."

In recent weeks there have been allegations that BBC licence fee collectors have been signing up individuals who don’t even watch the BBC or in some cases don’t even have a television set – and making them pay a ‘subscription’ of £145 –often without their consent, in an attempt to install the BBC's favourite ideals and political outlook onto the safe sofas of the country’s homes.

Senior party sources say there is evidence of similar practices in other areas such as the radio as BBC try to advance their agenda of a bigger public sector and more control over people's lives onto the airwaves of programs like You and Yours and Woman’s hour.

The row has left Miliband open to charges from the Conservatives that the BBC enjoy excessive influence at all levels of his party in return for their backing and promotion. The BBC has contributed more than 8 million friendly comments about Labour since Miliband became leader and is by far the party's biggest supporter. 
There have been concerns that the BBC have spent much time trying to ensure their liberal social democratic policies are the ones that are adopted..

Miliband says he will reform Labour’s dependence on the state television's sympathies.
 Among measures expected this week is a code of conduct for anyone seeking to advance a left wing biased agenda on the public broadcaster and a cap on the number of times a Tory minister may be interrupted in a single sentence. 

Senior figures in the party are urging Miliband to go further by endorsing changes in the way patronage from the BBC goes to endorse the Labour party through the use of  interviewers nodding sagely at every shadow minister's utterance and implying that the financial crisis was a long time ago and nobody’s fault really. 

 At present, members of BBC are affiliated to Labour through ‘the impartiality clause’ & so don’t have to declare their politics. Any newcomers to the BBC organisation are automatically enrolled onto left wing comedy shows or into anti-Tory news programs.

BBC managers say this ‘opt-in’ makes sense as everyone at the BBC could reasonably be expected to be a Guardian reading, card carrying social-democrat or else they would never have got through the official selection procedure in the first place. And they say the only person who ever wanted to opt out of flag flying for the labour party was Jeremy Clarkson.

However Prime Minister David Cameron accused the Labour leader of being in hock to  “the monolithic, nanny state, broadcaster..”..

 ... He takes his media grid from whatever John Humphrys says in the morning until whatever Allegra Stratton says at night. He is reliant on the continued drip, drip, drip of negative propaganda to bolster his position. A constant babble of presenters frowning at businesses or any form of self reliance or personal responsibility. He watches for whatever this dinosaur organisation is going to wag its nannying tentacle at next, and then jumps aboard that bandwagon. “

The Director-General of the British Broadcasting Corporation, Tony Hall,  hit back saying that the BBC has 65 million members and represents everyone in Britain. Whether they want that representation or not.. 

We have had historic links with the Labour party going back tens of years to when we didn’t like Thatcher and ran endless alternative comedian shows. And then we loved Tony Blair and the night of the champagne bottles and we willingly promoted Union Jack knickers for reason that are now unclear.. But, we have had our differences in the past.. And they have even taken down some of our director generals like during the Iraq war.

But the BBC was and still is a left wing organisation made up of liberal, left leaning, socially aware, ultra trendy, progressive, vegetarian hipsters. There are 250 copies of the Guardian for every one of the Telegraph.  We aren’t ever going to offer the Tories support. On the issue of political choice the science has long been settled. Vote Labour”

“But...If Mr Miliband really wants to end our be it. There’s always the Lib Dems.“

Vince Cable was said to welcome any talks with the BBC with a view to restoring the previous luvvie, humouring, unscrutinised relationship that the Liberal Democrats enjoyed with the public service organisation before their difficult coalition days...


Anonymous said...

Masterpiece! Spooky, how naturally it all "fits".

Anonymous said...

"You and Ours" - explaining why tax needn't be taxing

Womyn's Hour - 25 minutes after the state has taken it's share.

Anonymous said...

Private Eye used to have stuff as good as this, then Hislop became an overpaid Beeboid.

Steve Buckel said...

Brilliant, Bill.

DtP said...

There was a documtary under the 'assignment' banner on the World Service last night about how terribly beastly the £26k benefit cap was with case studies crying their eyes out at the inhumane treatment dished out by the coalition. How on earth that's not an advert for people living in genuine penury to think, sod this, i'm off to Blighty to suffer 21st century problems is beyond me.

Cheers Bill, many a true word spoken in jest an all that.

Plato said...

Hilarious and brilliant - pure PEye as was.

Andrew Efiong said...

Brilliant... because it is funny and true, an expose of the BBC-Labour cronyism.

CityUnslicker said...

Agree, as good as PE, don't you think Nick?

Nick Drew said...

Indeed ! and 94 pages long !

(that's enough comparisons - Ed)

assurance auto said...
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cours informatique said...

thanks for that "" However Prime Minister David Cameron accused the Labour leader of being in hock to “the monolithic, nanny state, broadcaster..”..

...“ He takes his media grid from whatever John Humphrys says in the morning until whatever Allegra Stratton says at night. He is reliant on the continued drip, drip, drip of negative propaganda to bolster his position. A constant babble of presenters frowning at businesses or any form of self reliance or personal responsibility. He watches for whatever this dinosaur organisation is going to wag its nannying tentacle at next, and then jumps aboard that bandwagon. “""

creation site web said...

right to asy that "" “We have had historic links with the Labour party going back tens of years to when we didn’t like Thatcher and ran endless alternative comedian shows. And then we loved Tony Blair and the night of the champagne bottles and we willingly promoted Union Jack knickers for reason that are now unclear.. But, we have had our differences in the past.. And they have even taken down some of our director generals like during the Iraq war. ""

Agence communication said...

wonderful "" Vince Cable was said to welcome any talks with the BBC with a view to restoring the previous luvvie, humouring, unscrutinised relationship that the Liberal Democrats enjoyed with the public service organisation before their difficult coalition days...""

Timbo614 said...

Even our resident advertising troll agrees. A fine piece of humour. BBC Best Battering Conservatives.

So, satire is not yet quite dead then said...

This piece deserves a much wider readership. Email copies to all your friends with the request to pass it on etc.