Thursday, 12 September 2013

BBC Question Time, New series 2013

Tonight: With Justine Greening, Chuka Umunna, Caroline Lucas, David Aaronovitch and Colleen Graffy.

ARGGHHHH...Chuka is my nemesis I am not sure I can cope with his meaningless platitudes and lies. greening is very good, although is less competent in Government than she thinks. Lucas is a moonbat and Aaronovitch the silliest kind of ex-marxist on a journey to fascism journo-type.

Who is Colleen Graffy? One extra point for that before 10.45pm. I am refusing to google so I am sure it is someone off Eastenders..

It's a new season and with BQ MIA I will let him off and he can start the new rules next week.

This week points are for:
1 for each correct question from Dimby
1 (and only one between all entrants) most apt and rude comment about a fake audience member who is really a party activist/councillor
1 for Dimby tie
1 for entering the competition
3 points for for plausible comments after 11pm proving that you might actually be watching...

Good luck all, pesto at the ready for the Green onslaught...

CU's uneducated guesses:
- Fracking, it makes Lucas popular
- Barroso, EU is fun subject
- Syria, it makes Lucas popular
- Employment - 'no recovery' Chukathon


Hopper said...

Dimbletie: autumnal gold

1. Has the USA lost all credibility over Syria?
2. Will fracking save us or sink us in a tide of earthquakes?
3. If we are in a recovery, why are wages still low and is the public sector right to strike?
4. Where does GCHQ get off snooping on our porn^WFacebooking?
5. Oh, let's hope for something about Wills and Kate as light relief.

Good chance of someone in the audience throwing in a 9/11 comment and how USA has squandered its goodwill

Blue Eyes said...

Well done Hopper!

Tie: a fresh new term shade of mauve.

1. The wrong sort of recovery, recovery based on the old problems like housing and energy use. Green shoots gaffe reference.

2. Syria/Iraq/Libya/oil was the sarin gas supplied by Saudi, can we avoid world conflict with windmills?*

* deliberately incoherent question in line with what will inevitably be asked by a prim-looking young woman (a local Labour council-candidate masquerading as a concerned, hard-pressed student) with a Leeds or Newcastle accent.

2A. Where does Parliament's vote against the government's proposed strikes leave the Prime Minister and the "Special Relationship"?

3. NHS: crumbling under the weight of the cuts, being lined up for privatisation, can it be saved? Vote Labour.

4. Something about bankers blowing up a housing bubble.

Also no idea who Colleen Graffy is. Who is the sponsor this season?

DtP said...


What a summer and what a good summer for a bit of politics. I hope everyone's in fine fettle.

I can't get a point for the Colleen woman as I googled it earlier but she may be good value with Mizz Lucas. Anywho:

Dimbletie - Burgundy purple thang.

I bet he asks Greening about 'Rwanda discussion' - twat.

1) Syria - bored now. Public hand wringing - next.

2) Yoof unemployment and Chukka can put your TV in jeopardy. Cost of living etc

3) Ed Mili's leadership - a union question - Aaaaaarranovic bitch slapped him last week I think.

4) Fracking - theenk of the children, for the love of God, they're just cheeeldren!

5) Zero hour contracts.

Cheers CU and let's hope it's a good season!

Bill Quango MP said...

Didn't even realise it was on. We'll spotted CU.

1. Syria? Is Cameron a warmonger and Ed a pacifist? Or just both clueless.

2. The recovery is here! ( not that I've noticed. It's currently doing 2011 figures which are dismal.)
Has ed balls been proved wrong and can't Vince Cable ever just back the government he is in and not play to his labour buddies all the time.

3. The NHS emergency number out of hours and A&E cock ups. Whose fault?

4. Privatising the Royal Mail. Why has Chukka said its a rushed sell off when it was his government that put the sell off to parliament in 2009.

5 Miliband and Falkirk and something boring.

And a quip that the biggest export since 2010 has been Gareth Bale.

Bill Quango MP said...

Dimbletie Royal Navy blue with Gibraltar red and white motif.

Bill Quango MP said...

Didn't even realise it was on. We'll spotted CU.

1. Syria? Is Cameron a warmonger and Ed a pacifist? Or just both clueless.

2. The recovery is here! ( not that I've noticed. It's currently doing 2011 figures which are dismal.)
Has ed balls been proved wrong and can't Vince Cable ever just back the government he is in and not play to his labour buddies all the time.

3. The NHS emergency number out of hours and A&E cock ups. Whose fault?

4. Privatising the Royal Mail. Why has Chukka said its a rushed sell off when it was his government that put the sell off to parliament in 2009.

5 Miliband and Falkirk and something boring.

And a quip that the biggest export since 2010 has been Gareth Bale.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Syria - should we go in or not
Fracking - should we do it or not
HS2 - is it worth £80 billion or not?
Recovery false dawn or new hope
Prince William flouncing out of his play army job, is this an argument for more parental leave
That UN thing whining about "The Bedroom Tax"

Dimbleby's tie, I guess mainly yellow with diagonal black/white stripes

Rudest comment - there's no need, Dimbleby usually makes the rudest comment when he invites "The man in the third row with the pink shirt... oh sorry, woman in a pink blouse." That must really hurt more than a snide comment from a smart arse on a blog.

dearieme said...

Which of the panel, including the Chairman, will be the first to be accused of child-molesting?

Timbo614 said...

woo hoo a new season and saddo that I am I usually actually watch it. I actually find comparing what is said or proposed or lauded very to what's happening "out here" interesting.

I am almost at the end of a weeks holiday with virtually no tech or telly. Yes, the fishing has been good since you asked, have eaten for "free" twice.

I waffle! to the point(s)..

1) Post office sell off, a privatisation too far? will the service will get worse(If that's possible)?

2) Syria, bored too! Should we continue to keep our noses out as it looks like its going bad without a shot being fired?

3) Should the NHS go back to basics? (it's week 1 so there has to be an NHS Q!

4) Hmm, Fracking or the Blobfish? ... Fracking.

and 5) the economic "recovery", depends where you are sitting?

Dimby Tie Black and Yellow.

lilith said...

1. Why is it in British interests to support Jabhat al Nusra?

2. Are we all ok with fracking now that the BBC have said it "might" be a good thing?

3. When can we get rid of the Climate Change Act?

4. Will the bedroom subsidy be reinstated now a mad woman from the UN has told us to?

5. What will the drowning people do now Wills has jacked in his job?

Tie: Green paisley swirls

Anonymous said...

Coleen Graffy was head honchette of Republicans Abroad IIRC.

She's one of the very few people to go toe to toe with George Galloway and stay on her feet. This from 2005:


Bill Quango MP said...

twitter planning floatation. Hmmm..

First Q: Has Britain shirked its global responsibility by failing to militarily intervene in Syria?

Aaronovitch says yes. No one else agreed. Lucas says no gets applause. Something must be done..lobbing missiles is something..but unlikely to be the right thing.

TBF the Russian solution is a fair version of what BQ advocated all along. Nations led solution.
Few agreed with me with me either David.
+ the fact the Russian solution won't work doesn't much matter. The missile solution wouldn't have worked either.

Q2: Is asking Assad to hand over chemical weapons an invite for him to kill more using conventional weapons?
Which is just question 1 all over again..Great start Qt..Great start.

Q3: In light of Michael Le Vell’s acquittal, should those accused of sexual crimes be granted same anonymity as their accusers?

Really don't know.

Q4: Has George Osborne won the argument on the economy?

Dimby left just a few minutes for the last two questions. What a farcical show that was.

And - new feature
Favourite BBCQT tweets

"Caroline Lucas is that rare breed of politician who can address every issue whether it be warfare or welfare with exactly the same words."

Caroline Lucas. Green and rhymes with mucus

Found Wally in the audience

It's fun to watch a Labour MP trying to explain what Ed Miliband's strategy is on anything

Twitter shares could be $400? I thought the Twitter limit was $140

34% of the public support Syria military action with UN approval, just 6% support without

"I love the Royal Mail, me. I bloody love it." - says no-one, ever, not even the Queen, not even when she's drunk

Sackerson said...

Sorry, too knackered to watch the bollocks last night.

100 points for anything said by a panel member that sounded like the truth and straight from the heart.

lilith said...

Yes,yes,yes but what colour was his TIE?

Blue Eyes said...

I agree with Lilith, as always.

I think I got the first question. Any Labour-council-candidates-posing-as-students?

Kynon said...

Carrying on where I left off last season, I completely failed to note that this was on. In the words of J. May, Esq. "Oh cock!"

I am Kynon, I am late, and I claim my (one!) point...

Bill Quango MP said...

Thought I'd done the dimbytie..It was a looked a test run for one of those car adverts where coloured paint shoots out of fire hydrants and letterboxes. Whatever colour anyone said...they were correct.

This week was just a test run. First QT No points! No points.
Will be starting next week

First QT is always terrible and this one was no exception.

DtP said...

Quite agree with no points thing. It takes a bit to get your head working with total wuck fittery.