Thursday, 5 February 2015

BBC Question Time : Kill Bill edition

David Dimbleby presents topical debate from Finchley in north London. The panel includes Conservative education secretary Nicky Morgan MP, Labour's shadow education secretary Tristram Hunt MP, Respect MP George Galloway, Cristina Odone of the Legatum Institute think tank and the Guardian's executive editor and columnist Jonathan Freedland

Another winning lineup zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Luckily its parents evening for me. Diner afterwards.. so might well miss The Gallowglass blaming Tony Blair for that pilot's violent death.

Bill Quango suspects - 
1. Can't see the obvious NHS question this week.  So I shall punt for why does Boots think the Labour party are loonies ? Bill Somebody {no relation} thinks Labour are cool.
2. Something about burning pilots. Is the UK's commitment of 3 people to the ISIS saga too few? We all said we didn't want to get involved. Can't change our minds now.
3. Scots Labour. What has gone on up there? What have Labour done to annoy so many people. Did they introduce a poll tax or something?
4. Chilcot. £7,000 a week. He's even slower than Mertesacker and on a better contract ??
5. Rotherham council ? BBc doesn't like this one much. Galloway would like it even less. But i think  its an outside popup.

Dimbletie - Mud Brown with slugs

1 or 2 points for each correct question asked. Depending on how close to the actual wording.
5 points for guessing the colour/design of  the Dimbleby tie.

 2 points for nearest match if no outright winner
1 point for each witty comment/excessive punning/ lampoon/mock/clever theme  that you put into the comments
1 point for the first entrant each week 
1 point for random other reasons

League Table 2015 

Hopper -2
Blue Eyes - 1
Taff -1
Kilgore Trout - 1
Measured - 1
Charity Shield winner - Malcolm Tucker.


BE said...


Tie: Hellan sky blue and white stripes, with representations of Nick Clegg only visible under ulter-violet light.

1) Syriza. When does Britain get to vote to end austerity?

2) Why are NHS workers being punished yet again for the sins of the bankers and politicians? The nurses didn't cause the crisis, so why are they being cut to the bone? Generic anti-Tory rambling.

3) With the Euro-crisis, recession, austerity, as well as the Holocaust anniversary and Charlie Ebdo stuff, is it time to ask whether Europe is sleepwalking into another nightmare?

4) Britain is booming, don't let Labour blow it! Old Labour Old Danger?

5) Election debates: why can't we hold daily debates between all our elected representatives. The debates could take place on different topics, resulting in a vote at the end once all the issues have been debated ad nauseam. We could build a permanent building for the purpose. So that we get a chance to choose who gets to speak at these events, we could get a vote every few years. What about it?

Nick Drew said...

(0) partisan red
(1) is it fair to have Miliband mocked mercilessly, all the time, by everyone?
(2) something to get Galloway's goat: haven't ISIL overdone it this time?
(3) are we going to have to put up with the SNP holding the balance of power, now that Ed Miliband is a such a loser + laughing-stock (oh, sorry ...)
(4) has anyone noticed the Ukraine thing is getting serious again?
(5) who's going to win the 6 Nations?

measured said...

Evenin’ all

I already have election fatigue and it is the same issues as last week. But hey, Podemas.

1. How evil is Isis?

2. How evil is Putin?

3. How evil is Merkel?

4. How evil is your teacher?

5. How forgetful is Balls?

Dimbletie: As orange as koi carpe ….diem.

Dick the Prick said...

Dimbletie - Gold

1) Debates
2) Sex Education
3) Chilcot
4) Anti Semitism
5) Big Brother?

Bill Quango MP said...

Purple one- with the goldfish.

1. is Labour billy nomates in the business community.
2. something about education funding.
3. Why is anti-semitism rising. Ahh..Finchley the clue here.

Its all kicked off. Galloway getting abuse.

and that was that - Only 3 questions- Dimbleby should have sent someone off. he lost control of the match!

Bill Quango MP said...

BQ - 2
BE - ! for first + a mixed amount of 2 = 3 {are you implying nick clegg is a hologram? That would explain a lot.
Measured - 4 + bang on for the tie - 7
ND - 2 {it was a Jewish audience to get on Gallo's goat}
CU - 2
DTP - 3 + 1 fr tie - 4

Match should have been called off.
But Measured had won by half-time anyway.

Prize is to decide, if, as Galloway claims, he has been attacked 3 times in London, whether he has been lucky or unlucky.

measured said...

Woohoo BQ!!

To paraphrase the Right Honourable Mr Galloway:

"Why, of course, he is lucky because HE is still alive.

But if I had my way, which of course I won't be allowed to, Mr Galloway should be made to live the life of a Muslim woman; trivialised, controlled, pampered, coerced to have many babies and after many mental breakdowns, he will end up fat and spoilt

and THAT's only the half of it."

BQ, Mr Galloway talks sense sometimes; of course ISIS will not be surviving without the support of the people. George serves a purpose and weirdly I am proud he was elected into Parliament seated next to you.

I bet he sleeps with the get well card from Caroline Lucas under his pillow.

Bill Quango MP said...

He rarely attends parliament, so I don't see him much.
And oddly, he does smell a bit of fish.