However - wonder of wonders - the ebola outbreak is officially declared to be over, a true mercy although tourism has been heavily hit and several of the countries in the region are suffering economically from the fallout.
I see you have all been going at it, hammer and tongs. Indeed, if our old friend Budgie hadn't become so p*ssed off and folded his tent, the C@W comments column might have been even more colourful.
Anyhow, while gathering my thoughts I shall haul us all back to our favouirte topic - Old Aircraft - and share with you this wonderful sight, which I never expected to see again. Yes, it is a
On the subject of The Gambia, let me mark your cards for an exciting geo-political development that is coming soon, to a continent near you. The President, His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya Jammeh Babili Mansa, is "upbeat about the future ... The Gambia will indeed attain the superpower status in a decade, Allah willing, thus becoming the envy of the world".
You heard it hear first.
Anyhow, like I said the tourist traffic is much diminished, so when your hero ate lunch he often ate alone.
Good to be back. I think.
Correction: anon in the comments has queried my aircraft recognition and is right: it's an IL-62. Red face here: I am more knackered than I thought.
I had to eat alone at the Penta in Reading for a week on business recently.
The food was excellent - the experience utterly miserable. So of course you're glad to be back.
Wonderful line, Nick - while I've been in Africa on business. Wish I could say things like that. Been into Manchester today - hmmm, doesn't have the same ring to it.
Been to Birmingham on business.
Harrogate next month. Then Crewkerne. I am truly a jet setter.
( british Midland jet setter.)
I hope the plastic bag was only for the purpose of disguise and not because you were contemplating suicide.
it was for what might happen after lunch ...
no-o - only kidding! the food was really quite good
The Sheike may not be that stupid. To achieve his goal, he only has to maintain the quality of life of his population and be the only leader on the planet, not evolved in the race to the bottom.
Are you _sure_ its a vc10?
Nice one, anon, you are right and I am posting a correction
Fwiw it used to be known as the VC10ski.
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