Sunday 21 February 2016

Boris : next prime Minister, but one ?

Regulars know we like our weekend History corner.
A look at some British history from the 2030s.

Despite his claim that;
 'My colleague Mr Rees-Mogg is correct. The gruel is so thin, I can even read the unwritten, secret, conditions through it.."
 Boris Johnson and the leavers were defeated at the UK referendum. The UK voted much as expected, 45 -55 in favour of Remain. 
Boris Johnson was forced onto the backbenches where his once great influence in the Tory party declined.

 He continued his objection to EU membership, but it was a message few wanted to hear. Johnson spent the following 'wilderness' years inviting ambitious young journalists, economic gurus, junior party members,business types and academics to his Chartwell home. They enjoyed his fine wine and fine company. Even though many believed his was a lone voice from a bygone, Imperial, age.

If the public recalled him at all they thought him never destined to hold high political office again. A maverick naysayer on the wrong side of history..

However, during what became known as the Czech migrant crisis, in which Prime Minister Osborne, who had succeeded Cameron after the UK referendum, flew to Munich and agreed to a 'cessation' of the Dublin Agreements to prevent a central European split-off from the EU, a backlash began to grow. 

Waiting for treaty change

 The situation in Europe had become critical. The 'club Med' countries found themselves unable to cope with crisis. They passed their migrants up into Central Europe, where those nations refused them entry, despite an obligation to do so. The suspension of the Dublin Agreement was supposed to help alleviate the problems in Greece and Italy. And permit the passage of people through to Germany, Sweden, France and Belgium. But it also immediately enabled 2200 migrants from Sangate and 3480 from 'Jungle Ouest' to legally enter the UK and seek asylum.

Similar to the  SNP style backlash the public were angered at this turn of events and were furious at having been seriously misled over the previous renegotiation.
Slowly through the newspapers and media reports, Britons were informed that any citizen from anywhere in the world, who entered the EU borders, could apply for asylum, and so residential  status, within the UK.
Dover Harbour

The Summer Swarms, of Libyan and Syrian migrant boat people, was exacerbated by the Russian occupation of all the Ukraine, and the civil war in Zimbabwe following the fall of Mugabe.
And humiliatingly  parts of the UK's special handbrake deal were vetoed by the European parliament.
People in the UK  felt betrayed. Even though they voted for exactly what they got.

The Tory party, already split, was in no position to withstand these events. The long period of 'austerity' had left the UK vulnerable to the new economic shocks of the China Recession.
Prime Minister Osborne insisted that he could deal with the Europeans. He formed an alliance with the Hollande coalition of France, in an attempt to restrict the continuing expansion plans of Merkel's Germany. The Germans had called for so many new immigrants, 10's of millions, that the increasingly erratic German Chancellor was demanding Lebensraum, living space, for all their new arrivals.
Chancellor Merkel address her party members.

In the united kingdom The Corbyn opposition was divided. personally Corbyn was in favour of out, with the UK forming new ties to communist countries. But his labour party members were largely supporters of the EU. Many wanted even closer ties to Europe.

However political show trials and purges had reduced the effectiveness of Labour's top political people. Many of them were exiled. Many disappeared from politics altogether and were never seen again. The Corbyn 'people's migration' labour party that could and should have swept to power, were totally ineffective and completely unable to capitalise on Tory problems.

Having narrowly survived the Munich crisis, the government belatedly realised that appeasement would never work on the European Union. The demands would never end. The power grabbing and desire for total control would never cease.
Whatever promises were made, could be overturned on a whim. Torn up. Or the public made 'to vote again' until the 'correct decision' was reached.
Appeasement policy
It was now that the German Chancellor, Frau Merkel,demanded a 'special measures bill' to stem people movements from the Middle East. The parties of the extreme left and far right had been growing larger and violent clashes were occurring throughout Europe. the 'old politics' seemed powerless and had trouble even maintaining law and order.
Despite UK and even some French opposition, the member states voted 17 to 11 to grant Merkel special 'German dictatorial' EU wide powers 'for two years'.

To prevent the flow of immigrants, now running at 3 million a year, she granted Turkey 'immediate EU membership'.

And so the EU began to war with itself.

In the UK the public turned to the one voice from the sidelines. The one who had kept warning of the dangers to the UK of EU membership. Boris Johnson was recalled to cabinet.
He gave a speech that day .. 

 "We..We need to prepare for the coming exit. A House divided against itself..Will need more than... A high lift tower ...and ...industrial scaffolding..Let us travel to sunlit uplands..and get ourselves out before the whole, rickety Euro mess, crashes down behind us.. "

At an emergency session, Prime Minister Osborne was heckled and defriended on facebook inside the House of commons, by his own MPs.
There were some memorable speeches made. 

"Speak for Britain, George!" was cried out by the soon to become Chancellor, Michael Gove.

And Douglas Carswell echoed a famous Lady Thatcher speech when he said  
" More regulation? More taxation? More Immigration? No! No! No!"

But the most memorable was from Peter Bone MP.
"You have stood babbling at the podium for far too long to do any good, you blithering idiot..For God's sake go!..Onto social media and resign!"

42 Tory MPs voted against the government's new EU re-re-renegotiation, and 36 abstained. It was a shocking defeat that made even the austere former chancellor realise his time was at an end.

Osborne hoped to appoint Sajid Javid as replacement. But even as he met in his offices for a discussion with Boris and Sajid, he could hear the crowds chanting from College Green all the way across Westminster bridge .

"Boris.. Bor---ris! Boorr-rrriss" 

Johnson accepted the role of Prime Minister. On that same, fateful day the lead spearheads of German Financiers occupied Corinth and Athens.

  The French government, made up of its usual impossible coalition of misfits, was buckling , it's centre almost entirely gone. General LePen, on the extreme right flank was trying to organise a 'Free French' movement to continue the fight for an independent France.
But the socialist remnants on the Hollande coalition of the left were already considering surrender. Ten years of economic stagnation and deep unemployment  had taken its toll. The Hollande government fled the usual summer Paris riots and convened in Vichy. Where they set about negotiating a 'sixth République' under the rule of Germany.

As the new UK Prime Minister remarked "Stockholm syndrome doesn't just apply to Sweden."

At this moment, 'the darkest since the Armada..darkest since Sarajevo .. the darkest since one was caught on a zip wire.", Boris Johnson became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Prime Minister Johnson visits Toyota car workers in Derbyshire

"Never before in the field of inter-nation transfer taxation has so much been squandered by so many bureaucrats, for so few uses.
I have nothing to offer but a floppy fringe. Some witty anecdotes. oodles of charm and a sense that if anyone can make this nation great again, , it is possibly me. 
 Let us stand fast. Let us stand ready. Let us be outside of the shackles of the perverted regulations of this sinister monolithic bureaucracy. Let us join in trade agreements with the new world, in the hopes that it can rescue the old."

"We shall fight them on the stock markets.We shall fight them on the import tariffs. We shall fight them in the supermarkets and in the retail parks.
 We shall fight them in the call centres and in the light engineering works. In the NHS wards and on the now clean beaches, {actually chaps, that bit of law was probably the only good thing the EU ever did for us, eh ?} ..anyway ..where was I ..ah , yes..And we shall never surrender!"


Swiss Bob said...

First :-)

jgm2 said...

Never knew you had your own blog, Bill.

Excellent work.

Albert Bullwinkle said...

Boris will never be Prime Minister, he was too slow to make his mind up, if Grove didn't have the burden, I think he would be a good Conservative leader, I think his missus will pull him down.

Used to visit here a long time back, I didn't realise it was still going, I promise I will return, If I don't Sponge Bob will set his St Bernards onto me

Going Postal said...

Tommorow bwlongs to me.

Dibble vonMunchausen said...

Excellent, I shall be back

MyBlahName said...

Someone write a decent piece on tonights shenanigans for Gods sake. This is just drivel.

Ralph Hancock said...

On Boris, Hilaire Belloc's lines from 'Lord Lundy' seem more appropriate than ever as he flops belatedly off the fence in the hope of salvaging his evaporating reputation.

Sir! you have disappointed us!
We had intended you to be
The next Prime Minister but three:
The stocks were sold; the Press was squared:
The Middle Class was quite prepared.
But as it is! . . . My language fails!
Go out and govern New South Wales!

andrew said...

Has anyone noticed his hair is a bit less byronial and a bit more pm ish

andrew said...

Has anyone noticed his hair is a bit less byronial and a bit more pm ish

tim cole said...

Seriously, after this blog post these are the comments that are received? Is it really such a far fetched scenario, considering the population growth in 3rd World countries and the threat of long lasting war in the Middle East?

One of the main reasons that we are having a referendum so quickly is that Cameron is quite rightly worried about a serious EU related issue rearing it's head if he waits another year. Just think about it, one more year of a swathe of refugees coming into the EU, and another repeat of the last 6 months, but possibly on a greater scale. And the reality is that there is a pretty good chance of this happening (some might say a certainty), and that would have a hugely damaging effect on any pro EU campaign.
By positioning himself for Brexit, Boris has set the stage for him to be seen as the saviour when the above events almost certainly occur, and as such he will be a shoo in as the next Tory leader.

Add on the fact that it is vital for him to distance himself from the leadership of Osborne and Cameron? Both of these politicians are finished thanks to the pre-election promise that was subsequently reversed when the Torys won, Osborne's tax u-turn after public outcry, the junior doctor contracts etcetc. The trust has gone with these two, and Boris simply has to distance himself from them. Tactically, being a mild Brexiter is the best thing he can do.

Come on, in the next few years, what are the odds of another immigrant wave, another terrorist attack, Greece getting into further trouble and being ruled by EU banks, more EU related (not UK govt related-it's EU rules!) tax scandals, and the EU enacting TTIP.

By doing this, Boris has positioned himself against all of this, whilst at the same time distancing himself from the fatally damaged Cameron/Osborne partnership. You're looking at the next Tory leader in my opinion, and it's a very clever tactical move of his.