Monday 19 September 2016

Preparing for the Worst

Back at Oxford this weekend, to be greeted with ...

Well, I suppose there's a Duty of Care, but - really?

At dinner I sat *this* close to Chris Patten.  Now, he really was in danger ...



Raedwald said...

Given your old alma mater's history of recruiting to the funnies, isn't there something vaguely cadet-ish about OU Security Services? Is this perhaps a new form of OTC for the Millbank and Vauxhall firms? Do they have a special tie, do you think?

Demetrius said...

Get your retaliation in first.

Sackerson said...

In Honk Kong I understand the Chancellor was knows as "Fat Pang".

Nick Drew said...

he did a couple of good things while he was there, for which I pay him due credit

but after that ...

Electro-Kevin said...

My new tactic is to carry a bag of dog shit. (Since I got my pup.)

No-one is going to attack you if you swing it around confidently and threaten to hit them over the head with it.

Now I know why people have a confident swagger when they go walking their pitbulls. It's not the dog that does that, it's the bag of shit that comes with it.

dustybloke said...

Kev, that's an old fashioned string bag, I take it?

Anonymous said...

I suppose that the first thing that many would do when attacked by an armed assailant is to "evacuate"... But perhaps not in the way the poster intended.
