Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Regulating Plastic Surgery

Yes, plastic surgery is in the news, with the Royal College of Surgeons expressing concern that any doctor is permitted to offer such treatment without further specialist qualification.  (Is this perhaps related to Anne Robinson being all over our screens again?)  

Well, up to a point every good capitalist recognises the need to regulate.  We could probably do worse than adopt whatever approach it is that they use in Russia ...



Dick the Prick said...

John Kerry too!

Electro-Kevin said...

Well. They are recruiting a further 1500 med students every year from next year. I'm sure plastic surgeons are cheaper than real ones.

My boy's family* innitiation was to have his hands taped to a bottle of vodka until he'd drunk it - actually they did it to shave his eyebrow off, which we only got to know about because of skype.

*Family - he has a mother, father, sister and brother all in different years of med training.

Dick the Prick said...

@EK - ha ha, you must be err... so proud!

My best mate was a medic and they threw dam good parties.

Nick Drew said...

My best mate was a medic

Ditto: their annual Revue was the filthiest hour I've ever sat through

Steven_L said...

Bah, they're just getting uppity about the foreign competition. After all, isn't plastic surgery rather an international market? And a damned profitable one!

Now I'd have thought if you're going to invest tens of thousands of dollars having a section of your forehead removed, shaved down and replaced, your nose butchered, your eye sockets ground out and jaw bone hacked away at, you're going to make sure you hand over the readies to somebody with some sort of track record?

Their pretty damn good at it these days too. The hands and feet can still give it away, sometimes, but in places like London it's probably safer to just assume every slightly larger than average girl with an immaculate pair of double D's and filled lips is probably not be all she seems.

Anonymous said...

Off topic, but did you see that the Septics paid Bell Pottinger half a billion dollars to propagandise in Iraq?


And that there's a Brit company (funded by an oil company and presumably the Septics again) behind the 24/7 "we must enforce a no-fly zone NOW!" Syria stuff?


Electro-Kevin said...

"Now I'd have thought if you're going to invest tens of thousands of dollars having a section of your forehead removed, shaved down and replaced, your nose butchered, your eye sockets ground out and jaw bone hacked away at, you're going to make sure you hand over the readies to somebody with some sort of track record?"

They have to have training days, a bit like hairdressers do. You can get a really cheap nose job on one of these days, y'know.