Tuesday 13 December 2016

Inflation Horror, and Other Shocks to the System

Now we're in trouble.

In other news:
  • OPEC nudges oil price above $50, saves US shale industry
  • Trump's team asks 74 awkward questions of the US energy regulatory establishment
  • bottom drops out of high-end London mansion-market
  • bottom drops out of Labour Party



Suff said...

If the bottoms fallen out of the Labour Party, is there anything left?

CityUnslicker said...

this inflation - like the 1970's again...'because brexit

Electro-Kevin said...

Bollocks ! Just as I'd put my money into high end London mansions. :(

James Higham said...

# bottom drops out of high-end London mansion-market
# bottom drops out of Labour Party

Two are related?

Anonymous said...

I have to say if those 74 questions to the US Dept of Energy are a reflection of the next 4 years of a Trump presidency, then this could get very interesting!

Nick Drew said...

My feelings exactly, anon. The skeptic camp is not as dumb as the greens believe ... another dose of heavy-duty cognitive dissonance coming down the pike there

andrew said...

Where is the bad news?

When did this site go all happy-clappy?

Surely you must have broken some sort of law?

Blue Eyes said...

It's a cost of living CRISIS.

Amusingly for the Remoaners the uptick to a whopping 1.2% is mainly due to last year's collapse in fuel prices having dropped out of the index. Food, expected to be soaring by Osborne and Marmitegate, is actually falling in price (and will fall significantly when we get out of the CAP of course).

People are so bloody skint that as reported elsewhere, the upmarket ranges that the supermarkets offer are flying off the shelves.

This is all terrible and I want to know who to blame.

Electro-Kevin said...

For the first time we're having caviar. £2.50 a jar.

Bloke In North Dorset said...

I've done quite a few telecoms due diligence projects for banks and other investors and those questions are very good. The only thing wrong, IMHO, is that many of them start "Can you ..." which invents the response "No". I always preferred to start my pre-project requests for information and data with "Please provide the following ...", that way they couldn't stall as there was no ambiguity.

Laban Tall said...

In other news (R5 reporting at 6.30), days lost to strike action in 2016 so far - 170,000

Days lost to strike action in 1976 - 30,000,000

Without commenting on the merits or otherwise of any dispute, that shows the enormous loss of employee power vis a vis employers over the last 40 years.

"If you don't fancy the job at that money, plenty of bright boys from Cracow who do"

Steven_L said...

For the first time we're having caviar. £2.50 a jar.

The salmon is alright, but that lumpfish stuff is rank.

Electro-Kevin said...

Laban Tall - Alluding to the Southern dispute. The days lost to strike action in this case are not those lost directly to strikers but those poor buggers who can't get to work.

It's difficult to justify. Very difficult. And as Hatfield Girl once said, politicising a workforce is despicable.

It's more complex than that though, and not about the money. I'm prepared to expand on my thoughts if the Unslickers do a post on it.

Electro-Kevin said...

Steven L - Depends if the ballot goes against me. I shall have to eat cat food in that case.

Nick Drew said...

Surely you must have broken some sort of law?

Andrew - it is a pleasure to be transgressing against those who wish doom on the enterprise

(there's an Anon out there who takes offence at the idea he wishes doom ... but it's pretty evident there are plenty who do - the only way they can square the circle of their liberal befuddlement and general alienation from reality)

Thud said...

Those 74 questions show some real intent and some sharp minds at work for Trump,I don't think people realise yet just how transformative Trump will be, a new Theadore rex?

Blue Eyes said...

EK you are such a class traitor :-D

Thud said...

EK and Blues, nice to see you boys playing nice, you'll be getting a room next.

BlokeInBrum said...

Agree with Thud on this one, some penetrating questions directed at the DofE. Let them squirm a little trying to justify some of the more outré bollocks that they could get away with under the Obama administration.

It seems pretty clear from the appointments that he has made that Trump intends to do more than tread water with the Presidency.
It's almost like....he wants to Make America Great Again!

The situation in America very closely parallels events in Britain. Both with increasingly extreme far left/statist politicians, absolutely desperate to get into power, but with obviously no idea what to do with it when they get there. (other than entrenching themselves into the establishment)

andrew said...

Leftist pols have (in a democratic country) think the state is the answer to every question. The trouble is that that costs and as the state gets larger, each incremental step costs more for less return, and the steps that have been taken get increasingly expensive.

Obama took some steps forward towards an NHS.

Hillary actually did have plans, but like the smart girl who always does her homework, no-one was interested.

Confusingly the notionally right leaning trump seems to be about to spend lots on infrastructure.

Anonymous said...

Well this video explains why high taxes are good for the economy......


markc said...

Anonymous said...
Well this video explains why high taxes are good for the economy...... 9:24 am

Crikey. I thought at first it was Jeremy Corbyn doing stand-up.