Thursday 26 January 2017

UK GDP for last Quater estimated at 0.6%

#Despite Brexit

Be fun watching this get spun all day by remoaners, I expect to see;

- Brexit has not happened yet

- Inflation will kick-in to kill us all

- Article 50 will be the start of the crash

- Trump effect creating a false economy (funny, the same people said Trump would wreck the economy and the Dow is at 20,000)


gmorris82 said...

Atleast the beeb have mentioned it this time, they were very quiet when the pound fell on the high court judgement this week

Flagwaver said...

The Guardian's take on it is the GDP isn't a useful measure.

Electro-Kevin said...

Yes. I heard several of those phrases on BBC breakfast news.

Spite, scorched earth and 'told you so' shite from Remainers is what needs to be dealt with now and is the true risk to our economy. Well. That and the fact that we've been living in Never Land since Clinton - but the Left can never ever be blamed !

Blue - it's not a case of me never ever being happy. I'm ever so proud of our people and the Americans and only wish fewer had been so conflicted that they couldn't vote as they really wanted to. I lost count of the amount of times I heard people say "In my heart I really want to vote Leave but my mind tells me to Remain."

No. Someone else's mind told them to Remain. Peter Mandelson's mind, most likely.

Blue Eyes said...

Funny shaped bomb.

Jan said...

EK "Someone else's mind told them to Remain. Peter Mandelson's mind, most likely."

That made me chuckle.

I think it's the fear factor kicking in......fear of the unknown.....instead of the excitement of a new beginning............

gmorris82 said...


For me it wasn't fear of the unknown, it was a feeling that if I was unhappy with my personal circumstances i'd change them by working harder, increasing my own value, or being more entrepreneurial rather than blaming immigration or a European government.

I understand that for a lot of people they voted to leave because they wanted to get back control/sovereignty etc, but i think there were a lot of people who voted to leave because they are poor, and they'll be mighty disappointed when they find out after leaving they are still poor and it's because they are thick and lazy.

Anonymous said...

"That was a party political broadcast on behalf of the Social Darwinist Party"

Amazingly one Brian Eno gets it. From the weirdest man in 1972 Britain to the wisest man in 2017 Britain?

“Most people I know felt that 2016 was the beginning of a long decline with Brexit, then Trump and all these nationalist movements in Europe. It looked like things were going to get worse and worse. I said: ‘Well, what about thinking about it in a different way?’ Actually, it’s the end of a long decline. We’ve been in decline for about 40 years since Thatcher and Reagan and the Ayn Rand infection spread through the political class, and perhaps we’ve bottomed out. My feeling about Brexit was not anger at anybody else, it was anger at myself for not realising what was going on. I thought that all those Ukip people and those National Fronty people were in a little bubble. Then I thought: ‘Fuck, it was us, we were in the bubble, we didn’t notice it.’ There was a revolution brewing and we didn’t spot it because we didn’t make it. We expected we were going to be the revolution.”

He draws me a little diagram to explain how society has changed – productivity and real wages rising in tandem till 1975, then productivity continuing to rise while real wages fell. “It is easily summarised in that Joseph Stiglitz graph.”

Anonymous said...


It doesn't really matter why the thick and lazy poor people voted to leave.

We wouldn't have won without them and if the leave campaign had to lie to get their votes then that's how it is.

Anonymous said...

"That was a party political broadcast on behalf of the Machiavelli Party"

Electro-Kevin said...

gmorris82 "but i think there were a lot of people who voted to leave because they are poor, and they'll be mighty disappointed when they find out after leaving they are still poor and it's because they are thick and lazy."

I don't think they minded being poor.

What they don't like, however, is when they become *third world* poor and this is what the importation of more poor people to compete with them does - we are even importing Big Issue sellers by the looks of things.

Well even the thick and lazy have a right to vote against that and stopping it WILL improve their lives.

Unless we are prepared to completely disenfranchise them it was silly to presume that there would not be consequences.

gmorris82 said...

EK I dismissed your post as bollocks when you said people don't mind being poor.

Electro-Kevin said...

gmorris82 - Not minding being poor ? Well I'm afraid it's exactly what you said when you claimed they were lazy.

Clearly being poor doesn't motivate them into work - ergo they don't mind being poor.

Electro-Kevin said...

My pooch (the one pictured here) had his nuts off today. Spare a thought before using the word 'bollocks' so carelessly.

andrew said...

well, we are living in an experiment designed by the Bank of England and being run on a massive scale here in the UK.

We get reportng every quarter

... so it is a Quater mass experiment


Electro-Kevin said...

Not wasted on me, Andrew. A very decent effort.