Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Labour Manifesto 2017 - no comment required I feel


Charlie said...

Not having had chance to read the real thing, is this a piss take or is it genuine?

Nick Drew said...

What was that about "New Minister for Mental Health" ...

banning zero hours contracts will be entertaining - my local council's [Lab] staffing in several key areas is predicated on them

Anonymous said...

Fair play to them, I suppose. What with Tessa going full New Labour - why not go for the moron vote? Also, as cynicism increases year on year; maybe a given cohort of people will think 'sod it, 4 bank holidays - get in!'

This is going to be quite a strange election, I think. In 1983, normal lefties had the chance to go for the SDP. Today, after young Timothy's disastrous campaign and general weirdness, where will these people go? We're all assuming, and the polls are returning, that the Tories will capture them - hence May going mental (unless she really is mental) but if voters think 'sod it' - a perfectly justifiable position in my view - then he may do better than Miliband.

At least they've stopped banging on about the NHS for a day or 2; good grief, that was tedious.


dustybloke said...

What is the lowest turnout for a GE?

This one will be a new record.

TM's policies aren't NuLab, they're full on Wilson and Callaghan. Corbyn's are epic, fully costed apart from the odd few hundred billion and the costs of nationalisation. Hey, what better way to succeed with Brexit than to introduce the concept of the theiving government?

I can't vote for anyone and that must go for many, many uninsane people.

Londonanonanonanon said...

It seems clear to me that TM is heading Left at the monent when the Left has gone completely mad, to destroy the Labour party once and for all.

Anonymous said...

What if this was written on the understanding that Labour have no intent of getting into power but are upping the ante to see if TM makes promises she can't keep. Sets her up for a full on assault on "broken manifesto promises"

TM on the other hand is equally cynical as she's not in it for the long term but only her legacy. Her existing legacy was being in the Home Office when immigration soared and cyber defences paid little attention.

She'll win but we are all going to pay the price for her obvious deficiency. Perhaps she should have taken out those bins.

Anonymous said...

I'm half expecting, when it comes to the election after this, that the items on this list will become part of Theresa's next manifesto....

Who the heck is someone on the classical liberal/libertarian side of the spectrum meant to vote for?!?

Bill Quango MP said...

Sadly, I fear anon may be right.
TM will look at the list of Labour's most popular bonkers policies and think they sound like winners.

CityUnslicker said...

There is no right-wing party currently, off the menu.

Luckily I live in a safe tory seat so my not voting this time will make as little difference as voting did last time.

I am beginning, slowly, to come round to the idea of voting reform. This pissing around in the Overton window for the past 20 years has done the country no good at all.