Friday, 19 July 2024

Weekend humour: Vaughan Gething - comedy gold

He'd already given us the "takes out onion" routine in the Senned.  Then this gem ... (lowers voice, moves into Disappointed Headmaster mode):  you've let me down, you've the school down, but most importantly you've let yourselves down. 

"I had hoped ...  period of reflection ... I now hope ... I know our country can be better ...

Oh yes, and 

"... people who look like me ... feel personally bruised and worried by this moment ..." 

What, you mean that a blatant grifter who took £200k for his own personal ends from a highly dubious source, who was caught red-handed organising the deletion of messages specifically for the reason of dodging FOI requests, and then lashed out at someone he wrongly suspected of grassing him up - such a person should somehow be entitled to get away with it because of his colour?  

As political contributions go, £200k in Wales is an astronomical sum.  For pity's sake, £50k gets you a peerage in Westminster!  And this is Wales - famous butt of Robert Bolt's excellent joke

These devolved political leaders, eh?  Phff - Toytown stuff.



Anonymous said...

Short, succinct and to the point. Can't get any better than this.

If only he had used the money for a tourer......

Old Git Carlisle said...

Waiting to hear truth about Sturgeon and friends - what is the hold up.

Need to look at London too

Would be nice to look at Carlisle Airport Saga.

Anonymous said...

Wales has been bent as long as I can remember - presumably due to total Labour dominance since at least the 20s.

Swansea Council (as was then) built themselves a monstrous palace right on the seafront. They already had a beautiful Guildhall...

Anonymous said...

"... people who look like me ... "

Damn, almost forgotten he was black. Thank heavens he reminded us.

He has a point though, perhaps he should have had a free pass pour encourager les autres.

dearieme said...

He who plays the race card is in the wrong.