Sunday 14 January 2007

..and this is surely some sort of sick joke

First they tried a computer system for the CPS and it did not work. So then they tried the CSA, more money; still with no progress. So they thought perhaps let's try something bigger and designed an IT system for the NHS. This too failed, but seemingly only inspired ambition amongst government ministers and their consultant IT architects.

So they thought up ID cards; but still their appetite is not sated.

So now they are floating this....

They have no shame!


Theo Spark said...

They have decided that instead of lots of little cock-ups they are going for the 'mother of all cock-ups'! By the time it happens the Tories will be back in power and so will get the blame. Some computer company is going to get very rich!

Bill Haydon said...

Of course they feel no shame: it will _save lives_, won't it? Isn't that what every intrusive or controlling new measure is designed to do?

James Higham said...

It's both the cynical lie they bold-facedly tell the public:

...which ministers say will help improve public services...

whilst sniggering in their sleeves, plus the mania itself which is driving it on. And it IS mania.

Newmania said...

. That is filed directly into my Liberty file. During the second world war information was used by America for tracing the Japanese that had been strictly deliniated as not for such purposes . I don`t blame them but you take the point.

CU I have linked to you I was going to keep it very short in the hope it would benefit one or two but although I have only just started reading you stuff ;I felt mean.

Still no more links and I will enjoy looking in from now on.This is a tremendous find I wouldn`t think of looking at the BBC. Did you see the DT lead article on the Liberal Party Broadcasting Company. Deadly criticism.

Sadkly I have reached the point where I want to economy to collapse.
Twisted eh

CityUnslicker said...

Thanks all - I still think this is a red herring hiding a real story.

No one would really attempt this.

Anonymous said...

The government clearly hasn't got its act together with data, it doesn't know how to handle it, how to share information. Does it back up all its content too? Imagine if it crashed, or was hacked into and irretrievably damaged, would all the info be lost>

CityUnslicker said...

Ellee - I doubt it ever gets that far anyway. However, I think hacking and the potential for damage their is one of the biggest issues. Would they spend enough on IT security? I doubt it.

Jeff said...

What about the CRb checks for the people handling the data, how can these be done until the home office and relevent departments are sorted?

CityUnslicker said...

Quite Buster..small baby steps required. Not moon landings.

Anonymous said...

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