Tuesday 30 January 2007

Post Office update

Having spoken to a few Post masters I have discovered that there is no official documentation on the Post Office closure after the May Elections. However the consultation process has been set to end in March with a central government review to take place after this. An announcement then to be made in early May?

Just Fancy That.

The other news from Post World is that Labour M.P.'s are being briefed on the financially strong offices that will remain open. They can then sponsor local campaigns to save these particular establishments and hey presto, they will be successful.

Welcome to a perfect world; new Labour Britain 2007.


Shades said...

Take your cynical specs off. Oops, they are off!

I view our politicials through increasingly turd coloured glasses...

Newmania said...

Ouch CU

Its all impact with you isn`t it

James Higham said...

Yep, says it all. Would you say this lot is the most corrupt of any UK government?

Anonymous said...

I've been following this with my candidate in York Outer and he is consulting with his constituents, not that it will make any difference in the end.

Jeremy Jacobs said...

People do what they want to do.

CityUnslicker said...

Ian - you will end up looking like John Lennon

James - I think they are seeking that as a crowning achievement.

Ellee- Pleased to have more support for this campaign. All help is welcome.

JJ - You lost me.

pat said...

Get your voice heard - the rural post office network - www.ruralaction.org.uk

Everyone has a view on the future of the rural post office network - but will everyone's views be heard? Perhaps you have a good idea on the future of the network; perhaps your own experience shows a vital aspect has been over-looked. Now there is a simple way to get your point across quickly and easily. The recent popularity in 'blogging' - contributing to a weblog or online message board - has inspired ruralnet|uk to set up a blog for this issue: a simple technique allowing thousands to add their personal comments to the debate. Over half of all UK homes have access to an online computer - as well as libraries, youth clubs, schools, day centres, UK online centres, and even some Post Offices! Anyone with an interest can visit the blog and leave their comment on the consultation questions, and read what others are saying.

ruralnet|uk Chief Executive, Simon Berry said "Government consultations are all very well, but they are time consuming and complicated. Fine for the professionals but not for the people affected. It will take just a few moments for anyone to have their say in our collective consultation and their views will go straight to the government."

Visit www.ruralaction.org.uk, click any of the ‘Comment’ links and have your say. You can comment on as little or as much as you like. It is as simple and quick as that. There is no printing or sending to do.

At the end of the consultation period, ruralnet|uk undertakes to summarise objectively all the comments received, and feed them into the Government’s consultation procedure. Says Simon: "We were the first to use the internet to run a collective consultation on the ‘first’ rural white paper way back in the spring of 1999 when we received 1154 contributions. It was said to be "one of the most useful submissions received”. So we know that a collective view from rural people, presented by us will carry a lot of weight.

So, don't be left out: go to www.ruralaction.org.uk state your views and have an impact on the future of post office services in rural areas.

Anonymous said...

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