Sunday, 28 January 2007

A thought for Sunday

Mr Reid, our esteemed leader in the Home Office has been faced with some serious problems this week.

Notsaussure, has the best in-depth pieces that I have seen this week.

However, with prison places hard to come by, paedo's on the streets and a feeling of general anarchy descending from the media to the whole populace I can see only two clear options for 'JR':

1 - Bring back hanging, this is much cheaper than long-term jail costs and is also a proven vote-winner with those all important voters, Rupert Murdoch, Rebekah Wade and Paul Dacre.

2 - Impose martial law until the crisis is over. If a resident of Number 11 Downing Street finds his passport cancelled while abroad or finds himself sitting rather too close to the door of a Hercules in the next couple of months, then it may be lost in the maelstrom of the news agenda.

Two easy solutions JR, which one for the media grid this week?


Newmania said...

Hanging would in reality be exceedingly expensive but I support it anyway on moral grounds....and to annoy bleeding heart Liberals .

OK mostly the latter really

youdontknowme said...

You're not serious about number 2 are you? Why punish the innocent and anyway if you catch more you imprison more...

The Hitch said...

Fuck the cost of hanging, imagine how much you could sell the television rights for.
I am not a sports fan,however,I would queue up and pay to watch executions on a Saturday afternoon, I would pay even more for the privilege of pulling the lever or trigger.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear....

CityUnslicker said...

I knew this post would be a winner.

Anonymous said...

Thank god CU you at least confine yourself to an amount I can reasonably keep up with.

I would advocate the death penalty for your hair cut I think.

(On moral grounds)


CityUnslicker said...

Genetics are ensuring a slow death for my hair styling days anyway N, so your wish is granted.

Anonymous said...

Now I thought you might have posted about the tax online video from 18 Doughty Street, right up your street.

Stan Bull said...

Like Hitch, I would pay handsomely to witness a good old-fashioned public execution. Hanging, nah. I'm more into public beheadings. Perhaps, I really have spent too long among the Mohammedans.

The Hitch said...

Mr Istanbul
I also like the idea of beheading for miscreants, far more dramatic and a better public example.
I have an account of the public beheading of a Prussian shoe maker in one of my sporting anectdote books, done with a sword and clean as a whistle.

Newmania said...

I think PHITCH makes a good point here ( by accident , for he is a bad person) If the death penalty is right it is right . I believe on rare occassions the need for justice outways the many problems that arise . In particular the affect on the executioner and those who by proxy allow it.
On those occassions the worst thing to do would be to hide it away. We should celebrate a good dee with fairs bunting and hog roasts.

Well at least see it and see that it is justice because of the crimes we also see.

CityUnslicker said...

N - I agree, hence my many comments elsewhere re the execution of Saddam, in praise of the video being shown.

If the state is to play god it should not do so behind closed doors.

I am in favour of the death penalty being restored in this country.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

There is too much going on here for me to comment on! I am just against the death penalty.

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