Sunday 25 February 2007

Sunday Business News Round-Up

On Ellee's advice, I present below some key stories from the UK Sunday broadsheets:

Private Equity as ever features strongly this week. The Sunday Times can't seem to make up its mind. Commenter John Warples thinks its PR is bad, but that it is a force for good; meanwhile Debenham's , now floated with its PE team in charge, continues to abuse the market. The Observer continues the theme with a story on PE executive pay; what a surprise for them to focus on this? The Sunday Telegraph is on on the act too by reporting , with others, on the proposed TXU take-over; the largest yet by PE houses.

The Times too carries the slowest and dullest story ever on 'open-skies' talks. These have been going 20 years without success. Other standard stories are of the growth of Asia, this week the Telegraph's piece is on the proposed listing in London of a Communist party paper. Also the Independent there is a usual story about how Iraq is all about Western greed for Oil.

However, the generally pro-Labour paper saves its best piece for the key story of the week; Gordon Brown's £10 billion red tape extravaganza which is throttling UK businesses. The Observer shows a classic of this kind with its story on Travel Insurance mis-selling. Even the Left though have been able to see what a total mess of pensions Broon has made, with two stories this week in the Observer; one comment piece and one report on the high court pensions decision of earlier in the week.

Overall not the most exciting weekend of reporting this week. The Private Equity story is building more these days, just in time for the bust probably. There is little news on the real stories about inflation, interest rates, personal credit collapse and the over-heated property market. I await next weeks news...


Anonymous said...

Whats happening with the 'personal credit collapse' and the 'overheated property market' then CU?

Why don't you tell us all about it.

Newmania said...

You are very scathing about them all CU I wonder if there is a finacial writer you admire.

CityUnslicker said...

SL- good point. I will do so.

N - Overall the standard is not bad; this week they seemed very stuck in their predictable ideological mindsets.

The best business journalist by a country mile is Jeff Randall. He is insightful and credible in a way no others are.

Anonymous said...

This is excellent, now I know you are doing this, hopefully each week, I shall be checking it out each Sunday. It's the sort of thing I would love to do, but with two boys playing footballs for different teams, plus everything, there is just no time. Thank you.

James Higham said...

Personal credit collapse is one I'd be very interested to read about.

Jeremy Jacobs said...

I go away for one week and the world falls apart.

CityUnslicker said...

JH - OK, will put that on the to do list.

JJ - Glad to see you can find a internet link even whilst trekking. Hope it all goes well.

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