Sunday, 22 April 2007

Sunday Business Paper Review 22/4

The ten most newsworthy stories in the Sunday business pages today:

The $2 Pound is here to stay - a useful analysis of what are inherently unpredictable currency markets.

La Défense is scared of Segolene Royal in the French Election - we find out later today their influence.

No recession after all - According to the Item club corporate profits will save us (no I don't get the logic either!)

Ex-Lastminute director want so to make moving home easier - perhaps he will lend us all the deposits?

Business searches for recruits in second life - now this story is just bizarre, people clearly don't look at the real second life stats for users!

Arsenal next on the block for US investors - something for Newmania to wring his hands about.

Tesco's to go upmarket - could be a big threat to John Lewis.

Google cleaning up the Internet - The company certainly seems to be making all the right moves; so was yahoo 2 years ago though...

Green Aeroplanes - some sane thinking on climate change action.

some good sharetips...


Jeremy Jacobs said...

"and it's bright and beautiful weather in North London"

Shades said...

It was spitting in Morley.

Re the green aeroplanes story- don't they know that Dihydrogen Oxide is a greenhouse gas?

CityUnslicker said...

JJ - nice BBQ today myself

Ian- Personally, i think the over-emphasis on airplanes is crazy.

Lots of things contribute to pollution, they are not the only thing. Not building nuclear power stations is much serious in the long-term.

James Higham said...

I like the Arsenal best. Love to see INM's face.

Anonymous said...

I am quite resentful of Googles efforts - have you visited Dirty Debbie on my links Mr Slicker? Long may she evade censorship!!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy this Sunday round up, even if I am a day late. I didn't know the story about Tesco. I can't see them being a threat to Tesco.

CityUnslicker said...

JH - Arsenal...surely somewhere more excitin such as Dneptrovosk has better claim?

Mutley - no, but will go look now....

Ellee - thanks.

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