So much for my sidebar prediction of Blair going on the 5th May; like most things, my powers of prediction are somewhat less than Cassandra's.
Luckily for me no one took up my challenge; so at least I can drink the Champagne when Blair finally does exit stage right.
So maybe he will announce something this week, maybe not. No more predictions' on this subject from me!
It matters less all the time anyway it is Brown in effect and there is loads of time before the election.
Blair certainly won't exit stage left. They would lynch him there.
My prediction is that he will see the EU treaty through and leave after that, which is the third week of June, from memory.
Now remind me which one was Blair? Does he play for Wigan or Leeds?
That sounds credible, Ellee.
If I may borrow CU from you all for a moment.
CU, could you please summarise, in perhaps a sentence or two, the wealth generating activities for our country other than financial services in the City ? This is for an article I'm putting together.
"My prediction is that he will see the EU treaty through and leave after that, which is the third week of June, from memory".
EU treachery more like. I do really despair about the British people being led like lambs to the slaughter.
N - yes that is a fair point. Would hate to think of a crisis happening now though.
AA- will he be safe in America?
Ellee & JJ - A good point Ellee, I hope he does not do this. What a terrible endictment of his premiership if he does try it on though. Hopefully media uproar would prevent this.
fingers crossed.
Junlge - Blair does reckon himself as a footballer. He pretens to support Newcastle!
EK -
Ok - Tourism makes up 13% at least of the economy and we have some world-class airlines, tourist sites and hoteliers.
Pharma companies too have huge global centres of excellence in the UK, as do medical systems companies. GE Medical is the only part of GE not HQ'd in the US - but in Amersham.
We also make more cars than ever before and employ a huge workforce in this area, even though the profits are re-patriated to other countries - the wages are paid here and the local suppliers are all UK companies.
Oil and gas also plays a major role in the economy with a diminishing share of over 10%.
Finally, we have subsidised the TV industry to some effect and the overseas exports of our programming are quite considerable.
The city only produces just over 10% of tax revenues.
The UK is not he basket case that some would have it said; it is just fast changing which keeps us all on the edge to hold onto our jobs and careers.
All will be revealed soon, I stand by my prediction about Europe.
Thanks for that explanation, CU.
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