Wednesday, 4 July 2007

The business of football

Football is all the rage for rich overseas magnates at the moment; buying their moment of international glory by paying for new players and generally abusing the game as they wish.

People were afraid of the US investors, like those at Manchester United and Liverpool; but actually more sinister are the ones who are clearly using the game to help get them a sort of 'celebrity immunity.' For this see Roman Abramovich, lucky recipient of much Yeltsin largess and Thaksin Sinawatra, wanted in his homeland for human rights abuses.

Will owning club here keep them safe? You bet it will.

Meanwhile Leeds United, run by more bent businessmen than you would expect to see in Slade Prison, continues to be hounded by its past. Currently super-dodgy chairman Ken Bates is playing eyeball to eyeball with the HMRC to try and get out of £35 million of debt. His mysterious backers, allegedly linked to him via close associates, have arranged a stitch up.

This is now being challenged after demands by MP's and Bates' new threat is to liquidate the club entirely, even though there are seemingly other bidders interested.

There are so many people on each side here I suggest a football match to sort it out between them. Maybe they could all save themselves enriching the lawyers and accountants even further...

As a last word, football is so dodgy even an original east end geezer like Alan Sugar decided to get out. And yet as time goes by, the whole game seems to get more corrupt. Not that it appears to affect the game on the pitch, mind. I wonder where it will all end up?


Anonymous said...

As long as people are ready to £200 plus for a season ticket and advertisers will give millions to be in it and so on - then football will be awash with undeserved and un-needed cash seeking a home..

CityUnslicker said...

true Mutley - i think the popularity across the world though has brought in a new element.

As I said, the qaulity is not sufferieng, just the morality.

Newmania said...

Arsenal remain an exemplar of probity and footballing idealism. A Swan gliding through the sewage.

Guthrum said...

Off topic, I expected to see some comment on the proposed removal by the Revenue of the need to go to Court before they raid your bank account.

Anonymous said...

I'm doing the uni rounds at the moment with my son and we were asked during an economics presentation which was the highest paid profession in the country. My son answered football, but the correct answer is densitry, followed by economists.

We are off to Man Unt mext month, my husband won a boz there for a match of his choice so I shall be joining the WAGS to watch them play Tottenham.

Nick Drew said...

Ellee you are so right to be going around in person, it's amazing how many people let their kids sign up for 3 or more years at someplace they only ever saw on a website

and it's interesting, too! Must have been to a dozen or more with my two, & they went to others on their own (but only because we put them on the coach)

Old BE said...

LOL @ Newmania - you see the loyalty is irrational even in intelligent people!

The money will keep flowing while huge numbers of people pay £20 a month for Sky TV etc. and £50 a match (fewer people).

The latest boom has been caused by celebrity millionaires who probably don't even expect a return on their money. Strange business.

Jeremy Jacobs said...

"Meanwhile Leeds United, run by more bent businessmen than you"

Oh dear, You can't go round posting things like that you know.

Jeremy Jacobs said...

Mutley - £200.00 doesn't even get you a season ticket at Margate FC!

CityUnslicker said...

Guthrum - Mr Drew covered this topic at the weekend. Ahead of the MSM, well done to him.

CityUnslicker said...

Ed - Yes indeed Newmania is deluded. However, he mentiosn not hte loss of his beloved Thierry!

CityUnslicker said...

JJ - they are too busy to bother with me I am sure. More developments today...

Is Margate really that expensive? Even I am out of touch.

CityUnslicker said...

Mutley - I can't see the spiral ending. That is what amazes me.

Old BE said...

Spirals end eventually. Perhaps at the same time as the housing bubble bursts?

CityUnslicker said...

Ed - doubt it, these clubs are all owned by billionaires!

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