Tuesday, 3 July 2007

This isThe Big One

Here’s one to watch – very carefully. The FT reports
Jean-Pierre Jouyet, France's Europe minister is hinting that France will

. . . push for exceptions to competition policy in discussions with its European partners… the government could seek concessions on energy for example, given its position as Europe's biggest nuclear power generator. "The risk and the benefits of nuclear energy are based in France," said Mr Jouyet. "Through nuclear power we show a certain solidarity [with European aims]. There is a certain asymmetry that must be taken into account." France would argue for a competition policy that did not weaken the big European operator EDF-GdF "because tomorrow we'll have to compete with the Russians".

OK, here’s what this means: it’s real simple. (1) France has the biggest nuclear power sector in Europe, by a mile. Hence, (2) it also has the biggest decommissioning bill.

And (3) they’d like us to pay it for them.

Just watch. You heard it here first.



Anonymous said...

I think thats only fair Mr Unslicker - do you think you being a trifle mean spirited?

James Higham said...

...push for exceptions to competition policy in discussions with its European partners… the government could seek concessions on energy for example...


CityUnslicker said...

Well Spotted. ND. So unlike the French to try on this malarky.

Next they will suggest it is only fair that we store of of their nuclear waste....er..have they not tried to do this already too?

Nick Drew said...

There's a very good and relevant piece in the FT today by one Adam Posen: for example

"Where and when the member states have retained dominance over regulation and enforcement, as in ...state aid to favoured companies in the EU, the results have been illiberal and economically harmful.

The alternative to a strong Brussels is not a decentralised free market and minimal government interference. It is greater political capture of economic policymaking and abuse of authority by member states and sub-national governments. Subsidiarity is in many cases an invitation to corruption, entrenchment of incumbents and horse-trading of handouts. Too many political veto points equals too many opportunities for extortion.

Now whom did he have in mind, I wonder ?

It's at http://www.ft.com/cms/s/26022cfa-29c7-11dc-a530-000b5df10621.html

Nick Drew said...

Mutley, it is true, I have succumbed to narrow-mindedness and esprit de cloche, and am duly chastised.

On my next visit to Deauville, out of solidarité sociale I shall double my quota of the great Calvados surplus

(if my back-axle will bear the load)

loveandtheplanet said...

What is the cost of decommissioning a currently outdated nuclear power plant, relative to the cost of building a new nuclear power plant?

Has the cost of decommissioning been increasing or decreasing in the last decade, and which way is it forecast to go over the next decade?