The hell they will - they will be sold as 'tallow' for burning in specially-converted power plants! What's more, this counts as ‘renewable energy’ under government rules. Just to complete the surreal story, these plant conversion jobs have attracted lottery grants!
You couldn’t make this stuff up, and indeed I am not making it up, as you can read for yourself.
Oh, and have a nice Sunday lunch, won’t you …
Yes but the plant at Wilton has a full WID (Waste Incineration Directive) license. It was built to burn wood, but since it takes some waste wood (which might contain paints and varnish) the power station is built to a much higher emissions spec than a normal wood fired power station, and comparable to any modern waste incinerator- trust me I am in the business and know about these things....
Oh, and it wasn't a conversion. It was a newly built plant that started operating very recently and the local employment angle is correct. It uses a lot of labour for short rotation coppicing and chipping of waste wood - about 70,00 tons a year.
Growing grass to feed cattle to slaughter the cattle to use them as fuel for power stations seems a tad inefficient to me.
Can't we just burn the straw instead and cut out the middle-cow?
Whatever this govenrment gets up to, I'm not sure you could do it worse.
ND is spot on here as always. But I htnk it is a disgrace to the nation if we end up with another massive cull.
Especially as it seems to be the government's fault!
Mark - thanks for extra info and I fully accept that burning carcasses for electricity can be just as 'clean' as incineration
but my points remain: Joe Public is carefully not being told about 'tallow', nor that this is a commercial trade, nor that it counts as 'renewables'
(& who knows - maybe he wouldn't care!)
Why the hell would he care? You've got dead cows. Something has to be done with them. We might reasonably expect the Government to ensure that whatever is done presents a minimal risk of further infection. Beyond that, why, apart from cost, should they care if the dead cows are incinerated directly, rendered and their various parts treated separately, or any other hygienic disposal technique? And if we can get some energy out of it, why is that so bad? Are we supposed to care that it's "commercial"? Or that energy from material which would otherwise be wasted is treated as renewable?
BGP - agree with most of what you say: I just enjoy watching NuLab evasiveness + spin.
It seems entirely appropriate to use 'em for generating electricity to me. If it was truly commercial, so much the better.
But 'renewable' ? This classification means it gets subsidised by electricity customers.
Why are the herds not inoculated against foot and mouth?
And why, if the UK is carefully producing extravagantly expensive electricity out of dead cattle (by the way what is happening to the milk and milk products involved?) has a cross but determined part of Italy's equivalent of Defra been hauled from beach and mountain to protect the food chain here from pollution by these animals?
No-one believes a word the British government says because everyone knows that apart from being unable to tell the truth, ever, there exist no means of redress against their abuses of control; so they abuse. The EU may be over patrolled and over legislated but it knows a rogue government without any controls at all when it sees one.
Perhaps, HG, this is just the first of the Events that will crowd in on the Dear Boy Brown.
I note that Tapestry, as ever, reads these disgusting entrails as saying that the EU will hold Brown's feet to the fire on F&M until he squeals "yes, the Euro, anything ..."
Mark (Williams) - another thought: what else goes up in flames at the Wilton WID generator ?
Sort of imagine the answer on that would be ... sensitive
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