Monday, 20 August 2007

Horses for (Philosophy) Courses - a postscript

So shaken was I on Friday upon encountering Philosophy and Equine Studies (Northampton University), I failed in my duty to come up with the appropriate course-notes.

Fortunately, Mrs D has helped rectify this omission, observing that at least this strange degree puts Descartes before the horse . . .

Happily, too, it lends itself to the detailed study of Thomas Equinas.

However, it takes the great 18th century German thinkers at a Kanter.

Fetch some Straw,son

I shall have to get off this Hobbe-horse . . .



hatfield girl said...

Is horsepower part of the syllabus? An Austin is never out of context.

Newmania said...

Highly chortlesome

James Higham said...

Humour at CUS? This is a very serious blog, Nige.

Anonymous said...

Locke the stable door after....

Wilberforce (Will) Monk said...

You didn't mention Friedrich Wilhelm Neigh-tzsche...

Nick Drew said...

Monkey - truly an oversight, I rarely miss an opportunity to drag in FWN, thanks for rectifying !