Monday 10 September 2007

Naomi Klien speaks

I heard on the radio today Naomi Klein being interviewed by Simon Mayo. He did an ok job but she came out with some pure genius moonbat left-wingery. Whilst harping on about a new book ( a must read comedy as far as I could tell), she insisted that after Hurricane Katrina in the USA last year some Republicans were feeling extra mean and got together in Washington to be evil together.
They worked hard on their evil plans, and came up with the following. make the affected zone a no-tax area to help re-development, introduce a voucher system to help get the school system back on track as fast as possible and re-zone some of the city so as to make it more efficiently planned that before.

She added nothing to this; clearly the pure evilness of this plan is such that it needs no further explanations. How much more evil can you get than this?

Oh, and Thatcher's reforms were so terrible that they destroyed Britain economically, apprarently.

Lefties, they do make me laugh.


Anonymous said...

She does look fit though.

Old BE said...

She is much better looking than you would expect from her books. I started to read No Logo but gave up after the blurb.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's a specific problem with fit women. No-one wants to say "you're talking a load of bollocks" to them. Hence they carry on their whole life in a state of delusion. In this case mad left-wing delusion.

Anyway, I sense there has been a bit of an upsurge in this mad left-wingery lately, so perhaps our friend Putin has got his KGB/FSB apparatchiks up to their old tricks in an attempt to destabilise dear old blighty again.

Sackerson said...

"Chicks up front" has been a hippie protestor technique since the 60s. Look at what we got as ministers/spokespersons in 1997.

Nick Drew said...

When it comes to highlighting the extraordinary conduct of the Bush-Cheney regime, the light-touch satire of Gary Trudeau is a much more effective than Klein.

CityUnslicker said...

I used a flattering picture thouhgof her purely to drive readerhsip . All her hand-wringing has had its effect now.

Her 'ideas' are fantastical though. No logo was a real appeal to go back to living in the caves and with swampy for company.

Mark Wadsworth said...

Funny, having revisited this post, my first thought was "Would you want to shag her?" and the answer was no.

Having spent half the Tube journey home with my head bent forward by the doors (Central Line), basically to within a few inches of some blonde lass's big fat juicy knockers ...

I'll stop there.

Anonymous said...

You all really need to read the book. It is an inditement of the World Bank, IMF, Freidmen Economists and Western Goverments led by the US. The book documents how they forced privatization on country after country (Iraq, Russia, South Africa, ect) since the early 1970s. How this has led to the dismanteling if the social nets in these countries. It has caused a widening of the gap between the (super) rich and poor. Think of Cheney and Rumsfeld continueing to earn millions of dollars from the private sector while still in office.

This is just the tip of the Iceberg.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to believe that someone with enough brains to read and understand this book could lean so far to the right.Perhaps you haven't read it.

Anonymous said...

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