Tuesday 30 October 2007

So Much Hot Air

Yesterday, Mr Benn (Hilary of that ilk, clearly a diminutive of Hilarious) delivered himself of a ‘major speech’ on Britain’s Low Carbon Future. Given the fatuous position of the Government we have drawn attention to many times, did he start with an apology for testing our collective patience over the years with infeasible ‘commitments’, followed by a promise to stop the pretence forthwith? No: he proposes to plough on regardless, starting with this:

I think we all know why we are here … it is a time – above all – for leadership.”

Leadership, eh ? This is exactly what Blair laid claim to as regards reducing carbon emissions, so perhaps the swivel-eyed one can tell us the fruits of all this over ten years ? Yes, indeed he can.

The UK was the first country ever to use carbon emissions trading, the first to put climate change at the heart of a G8 presidency, the first to call a debate on climate change in the UN security council

So: we're well out in front when it comes to talk: but what about yer actual carbon ? Curiously he failed to mention that the outcome of all this leadership is that the UK is emitting more CO2 now than when Labour came to power.

And may we hope for more of this fine leadership ? Oh yes.

now we will be the first country in the world to put forward a legally binding framework for reducing emissions over time.”

Getting the lawyers in ! Why didn’t they think of that before ?



Anonymous said...

Your picture of the fellow suggests to me that he is ignorant, none too bright, and enormously self-satisfied.

And what sort of arse, going off to Uni, wouldn't change a horrible moniker like that? Should we all call him Burt Benn?

Nick Drew said...

Ironic that Benn Snr went to so much trouble to renounce his hereditary peerage, and then inflicts generations of dynastic Bennicles on the body politic. They are happy to trade on the name, aren't they ?

Let's just hope the name 'Hilary' doesn't gain too much global currency in the coming years . . .

hatfield girl said...

It isn't written in English, ND. I read it all and nobody has edited that text - not for inanity of content, not for inadequacy of expression, not for standard English usage. Any English speaker would have corrected the viler malformations on the hoof, was this what he said or what was released as a text? It's difficult to choose which would be the more distressing answer. Sorry, I shouldn't go on but, quite literally, it's a public disgrace.

I rather like Tony Benn: he writes and speaks beautifully. And his left-wingness is very English; he could riot for England, along with Chartists and Birmingham Anarchists, and Levellers. Pity about his son, obviously Holland Park Comprehensive was bog standard.

Nick Drew said...

Careful, HG, you will prejudice your firearms licence ...

One must have a heart of stone not to smile at Little Hilary's desperate plea:

"Above all, I hope you will feel that this was a proper consultation and that Government has really listened"

CityUnslicker said...

Good spots ND. Benn jr is a very good eample of the current government as a whole. Desperately out of his depth and paddling around with spin instead of any real action.

I hold no candle for the Benn family, much damage to the country they have managed between them whilst living nice successful lives themselves.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, remember Tony Benn. The Toff with socialist principles that signed up to Concorde to creat an aeroplane solely to fly other toffs at high speed around the globe at massive cost to the taxpayer. He got away with it because it created a few jobs at Filton, but really it is a classic example of how the social elites use the Labour Party for their own ends. Sadly our working classes are too pig ignorant to understand how they are being manipulated.

Anonymous said...

An interesting summary from Adrian Ash at Bullion Vault for the benefit of those to young to remember the PREVIOUS Labour maladministration. History is destined to repeat itself. Is that because we never learn, or because some of our number are incapable of learning I wonder?

"In short, personal debt is the United Kingdom – home to the "strong Pound" – is now rising by $1 million every two minutes. Total household debt stands above 160% of personal income, and it's just overtaken an entire year of economic output.

Outstanding government debt, meantime, is equal to another 42.6% of GDP, the highest proportion in nearly a decade. It also happens to be 10 years since the British nation last managed to break-even on its international trade in goods & services.

Our balance of payments deficit reached more than £48 billion in 2006 (nearly $98bn), more than 10 times the worst gap of the mid-1970s, back when the trade gap threatened "a violent withdrawal" of foreign investment according to internal government memos.

Energy Minister Lord Balogh, an economist by trade, privately warned the Prime Minister of a "possible wholesale domestic liquidation starting with a notable bankruptcy...The magnitude of this threat is quite incalculable".

The risk of a run on the Pound in the mid-70s became so great – provoked in no small part by government debt hitting 53.8% of annual GDP – that Britain, led by a Labour government just like today, begged the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a bail out to help it cope as unemployment and inflation reached "exceptional levels".

The Pound began its long descent from $2.42 barely $1.08 over the following decade, while unemployment rose to 10% of the working population as inflation surged above double-digits annually between 1973 and 1982. "

Nick Drew said...

Anon @ 9:33: working classes are too pig ignorant to understand how they are being manipulated - reading what the villainous Giscard d'Estaing has been up to (see, for example, Huntsman at the link below), it would seem we are are guilty of this to a greater or lesser degree (and what are we doing about it now we know ?)


Anon @ 11:02 - yes, there are good pieces frequently at Bullionvault (as well as free gold!)(seriously !). You are perhaps aware of Bearwatch / Sackerson, who is another good clearing-house for these types of articles:


Anonymous said...

I have to say I'm not a huge fan of the Gold investment advisors in general - they do love their apocalyptic scenarios don't they! Very depressing! However, I was struck by the similarity between todays situation and that of the 70's - it seems primed to roll out the same way - a collapsing £, higher interest rates, hyperinflation, leading to strikes, unemployment, repossessions, bankruptcies.

Still, as I always say, you need a good bust to profit fromt he next boom. And I do like a good bust....

Anonymous said...

With regard to the EU constitution/treaty issue, I must say that I am astonished at my European colleagues complacency on this. They are sleepwalking into a socialist bureaucracy where democracy is merely window dressing. We, at least, are likely to put up a bit of a fight.

It is already the case that the UK government dresses up EU directives as if they were UK inspired laws, to cover-up EU involvement in some of our less-loved legislation. But this cannot go on forever. Eventually we will be forced to pull out of the EU altogether. Put the EU is like a honey trap - it will always be there waiting to trap the next unwary generation.

But does it really matter? The nation is already overrun with immigrants with the indigenes pouring out into the New World - Australia is about to become a new Byzantium. I am quite sure the ONS severely underestimates the numbers of people leaving - after all, how would they know? They don't keep records of people leaving...

Nick Drew said...

astonished at my European colleagues complacency

Yes, whatever happened to the righteous nay-voters of France and Holland ? Presumably every Frenchman knows of d'Estaing's treachery - how have they been fobbed off ?

Still, there is always CU's theory that the Euro will implode under the weight of its internal contradictions in due course ...

Anonymous said...

"Yes, whatever happened to the righteous nay-voters of France and Holland ? Presumably every Frenchman knows of d'Estaing's treachery - how have they been fobbed off ?"

I doubt that they have - they have simply been rode over rough-shod by the political elites in typical Gallic fashion. Which, of course, is the model for the EU itself. Nevertheless, you end up with 50% of the population of the EU growing ever more discontented with the EU - a recipe for civil war if ever there was one. Since the EU superstate is modelled on the US, they perhaps believe that civil war will in any case be necessary to mould Europe into a true single national identity, just as the Civil War achieved in the US.

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