More than last year | 0 (0%) |
Less than last year | 6 (40%) |
About the same | 8 (53%) |
last hits on the Cards.... | 1 (6%) |
I think it is quite consistent with the anecdotal evidence that people are either struggling to find the money or else wary of what the new year may bring that causes them to vote for less than last year.
On a more positive note, the majority of people are holding their spending the same; so it can't all be doom and gloom.
Personally, more children in the family , both my own and close relatives, means a higher spend come what last trip to the shops today for us!
I don't have the faintest idea how much I spent last Xmas, so to be honest I don't know.
Anyway, some of what we might buy ourselves is just deferred expenditure that we haven't got round to for a few months.
I think I am spending about the same or a bit less this year, in line with your survey.
I might be way off the mark, but I don't think the credit crunch has hit the ordinary person too much yet. It will more directly affect people as they go through bad pay rounds, try to remortgage or when the usualy post Christmas merry go round starts in the city and people realise there aren't many jobs out there any more.....
I voted 'less' but it was an aspiration, not a binding target.
It ended up 'same' - as always!
people tend to overspend especially during christmas...i myself did the same. But who the heck cares? its a time when almost all shops drops down their prices. I know I'll see the result of my overspending on Jan but one month of tigthening of belt wont hurt so much.nice blog!
Thanks all. Nice comments, I always seem to overdo it - this year so much so that I am tucked up in bed with flu...apologies for the lack of interaction.
It is a very stressful time financially because we live in such a materialistic age. I wish parents were sensible and put a price cap on presents, we think that all these gifts will make our kids happy.
Have a great Christmas.
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