Thursday, 21 August 2008

Now you tell us?

This will not be front page in The Sun, but nonetheless it is worrying, if predictable news. The ONS has withdrawn publication of its housing statistics for this last period as they are not satified with their quality.

This comes fast on the heels of the retail sales numbers which went up slightly when all the economists had retail sales as expected to fall; sales everywhere I look, but activity up?

Not sure how the Bank of England can do a great job on monetary policy when the stats it relies on are themselves so questionable. Perhaps this explains why the votes are so split.

Who would have imagined that this would occur? Move the ONS to Wales, have most of the staff leave and then the quality of their output decreases,then increase the level of political 'supervision'; Unbelievable that this would lead us to this situation, isn't it?


Elby the Beserk said...

Especially as they said - ha ha bloddy ha bloody ha ha - they were going to make them independent.

Do you ever feel we have been the victims of a silent putsch? I do.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that all their numbers look implausible to them because they are grotesquely underestimating how many people now live in this country.

Bill Quango MP said...

The retail figures for August and the entire summer are looking very poor.

Noticeably in the shops is the autumn ranges went out about 2 weeks early and 'Final final Final' reductions were largely abandoned. Unsold summer stock was just taken off sale. Quite unusual. Means retailers are hanging on to stock for early spring. That means summer 2009 order books likely to be looking very thin.
The "slowdown" rumbles into summer 09 at least.

Nick Drew said...

predictable but still deeply, deeply worrying

as you say, if we have no reliable data the house is built on sand

abrogation of one of the fundamental duties of government in a civilised state

when you add to this the fact that it's been decided to discontinue the traditional 100% census every 10 years, and rely on 'statistical methods' ...

whatever could they be hiding ?

Anonymous said...

Political supervision is the reason why I believe that nuLieBore are going to win the next election. The Snot Goblin has allowed a few set back through to create a good cover story, but it will back to ‘normal’ from September. High turn outs and 110% votes for the nappy man from now on.

CityUnslicker said...

Dearime - and in trying to fiddle the stats they have lost the core data. constant revisions have removed the element of truth. The Fed has done the same in the US.

BQ - I know of one major retailer planning a huge emergency sale for early September to try and help reduce stock and generate cash.

Tim H - I just hope not. I think there will be a libour bounce though - like any market there will be bear rallies.....

Old BE said...

Choco ration to be raised to 25g!

Anonymous said...

I know a man who hires last minute vehicles to large retailers - Sainsburys, Asda and the like to move stuff.. His business is the crappest ever. Tesco also have slashed their repairs and maintenance budget which is why the stores are all starting to look a bit flyblown. Also lots of Tesco Bank cash machines are not being repaired if they break down as quickly as they were...also cost cutting.

CityUnslicker said...

scary when it is tesco in this position Mutley - good info!

Mark Wadsworth said...

Here's my favourite ONS f***-up story.

Highlight: calculating the annual income figure, the ONS treated the data as if it were monthly and thus multiplied it only by 12 and not 52.

patently said...

"the ONS treated the data as if it were monthly and thus multiplied it only by 12 and not 52.

Any chance we could persuade HMRC to do the same on my tax return?

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