Here is some more good news, evidence that China is coming out of a relative decline. Other key info is that their electricty needs are picking up and there seems to be a bottom in commodity and shipping prices.
The US looks like it will pass the Obama stimulation too. This may or may not be good for their long-term government finances, but for us in the UK with the US as a big export market a boost to their spending power can only be good.
So, at last some signs that things are not going to get worse and worse forever. Even better, France and Germany, those great lecturers on the failure of the Anglo-Saxon Capitalist model, are themseleves sinking into economic decline. It would take a heart of stone.....
No green shoots where we do business in China. And the official stats that Xinhua publish are just lies you know.
I see what you mean CU. but I feel we have at least another 3 months of worsening news before the bottom.
Orders drying up.
I note from my construction sources that there has been no release of funding to the schools for the promised classroom refurbishments that normally take place right now at half term. So no work for them.
I see what you mean CU. but I feel we have at least another 3 months of worsening news before the bottom.
Orders drying up.
I note from my construction sources that there has been no release of funding to the schools for the promised classroom refurbishments that normally take place right now at half term. So no work for them.
I see what you mean CU. but I feel we have at least another 3 months of worsening news before the bottom.
Orders drying up.
I note from my construction sources that there has been no release of funding to the schools for the promised classroom refurbishments that normally take place right now at half term. So no work for them.
I see what you mean CU. but I feel we have at least another 3 months of worsening news before the bottom.
Orders drying up.
I note from my construction sources that there has been no release of funding to the schools for the promised classroom refurbishments that normally take place right now at half term. So no work for them.
Record month ever for us.
Mind you, we do most of our business with the public sector who are spending more freely than ever.
SW - Some optimism must punctuate the gloom....I have seen other views on China that chime with yours.
Anon - Interesting re school refurbs - hopefully just bureaucratic incompetence rather than something more sinister.
Mick - That is the spirit. getting public sector contracts is sruely the only way to get a tax rebate these days...
No, we've had it mate.
great pix :)
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