Sunday 12 April 2009

Guido rules the waves

Small departure from normal monetary based comment from me. Just wanted to say maximum respect to Guido Fawkes for his revelations about Damian McBride and the sick heart of new Labour.

Our Government, not content with leading us to economic disaster, has at its centre a group of nasty, ignorant and contemptible people; obsessed with hurting the Tories rather than healing the country.

Not only has Guido calmly exposed this (no mean feat to take on the 5th most powerful Government on the planet), but it has also revealed the complicity of much of the mainstream media such as the Telegraph and Mirror journalists in going along with the Government spin merchants.

All power to Guido for the week ahead. The cover up of the original sin always proves more fatal. Blogs are becoming more influential, just see the headlines of all tomorrow's papers.


Nick Drew said...

hear, hear

AntiCitizenOne said...

"just see the headlines of all tomorrow's papers".

Why pay for old news?

Electro-Kevin said...

"Our Government, not content with leading us to economic disaster ..."

Our economic decline is all part of the same sickness - it's merely another symptom. It is not separate or isolated from the dysentry which runs through Nu Lab.

Odin's Raven said...

Guido seems to be doing the job the opposition and the press are so conspicuously failing to do. More power to him.

Electro-Kevin said...

Guido is also an enemy of Tory sleaze, OR.

not an economist said...
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not an economist said...

" ... obsessed with hurting the Tories rather than healing the country."

In my view there are elements within Labour who have a deep seated hatred of the Conservative Party. They view the 80's Tory Govts as anathema to the interest of "their people" and have never forgiven Thatch et al for the unemployment and recession of that decade. From this comes the mindset that any tactic aimed at stopping the Tories gaining power in another election is legitimate. Were the Tories to target Labour with similar methods then they would be denounced immediately - proof of Tory unsuitability to hold power. But anything in the opposite direction - even the lies that were about to pour forth from the pens of McBride and Draper - would be okay.

This may sound extreme and you can dismiss what I say if you like. But go on a pro-Labour forum sometime and just read the crap they come out with. Frankly I tire of it and while it may sound unpleasant of me to say so, I look forward to the day when the Tories do get another overall majority so one can rub such people's noses in it.

Bill Quango MP said...

not an economist said...
This may sound extreme and you can dismiss what I say if you like.

Not at all. The oddball left wilfully pretend that Tony Blair was just Michael Hesseltine in a latex costume.
All the mistakes of the past 12 years have been caused by Tory cuts in the 1980's and Tory sleaze in the 1990's.

Its quite endearing really. Like children believing in the tooth fairy.... its real.. if you just believe hard enough then Labour have yet to even come to power.

banned said...

Daily Telegraph is trying to make out that the fall of McBride was all its' own work.