Wednesday, 30 December 2009

How did the commenters do in 2009

Yesterday we looked at the 3 bloggers of Capitalists@Work to see how we did for 2009. Pretty well overall, considering what a mess the year was!

Last January we asked the readership to leave in the comments their predicitions so below are the best and worst of that bunch.

Steven L -  well this regular commentator who has his own blog, did pretty well. He called Obama to spend trillions, the dollar to fall and the stock market to recover. Only the Pound dropping below the Euro was wrong. That is a lot of better calls than many media economists made!

Houdini - Another blogger who chipped in was Houdini, his predictions were oil to rise spectacularly, Obama to be a disaster. On the no tos good side, the FTSE was set to be mediocre and the far east to collapse.

Dearime - A fine commenter ton many sites, said to buy kiwi dollars. That would have proved to be a shrewd move.

Craig - A banker no less, had one pure home run among a set of pretty good predictions, that there would be another massive rescue of the banks. See any more of that for 2010 Craig?

newmainia, The loss to blogging that is newmania had seemingly prescient predictions for 2010 in 2009. Spot on with his comment that David Cameron would have to choose between the popular and the right policies.

Croydonian, blogger extraordinare, and all round fine fellow, did not think Russia would intervene in Armenia or the caucus region - a better choice than our own ND there...

Lilith - Did not get any right, but wins the best picture award, see above!

Overall it must be said there was far more accurate predictions than bad ones. Lots of people wishfully thought we may be rid of Gordon Brown but that is to be expected.

Time to pay closer attention to these come the end of this week!


Monevator said...

Interesting bunch of commentators you have on this site... I'll try to pop in with a hangover on Friday to add a few wayward predictions of my own, especially as you seem to be quite gentlemanly about the wayward ones!

Steven_L said...

You're too kind. I just looked back at those predictions and they don't look as accurate as you make out.

I'm gutted I didn't put my money on my JP Morgan, Barclays and FTSE listing mining stocks tips though. My best buy this year has been that Minerva you tipped.

However, I missed the big one (and I think we all did): governments will print money.

Gutted I did now, a few weeks before I'd been having my annual cynical drunken rant at the office Xmas party and was telling one of our admin guys this was precisely what they would do because there was there was no other way to correct everyones balance sheets.

So I'll get thinking over the next few days and leave the comment after a few beers and say what I really think this time.

James Higham said...

No one's got it right about the economy though. The food fun begins next year and few have commented.

idle said...

ACHL (Chinese orange grower, london listed)
SGF (Singapore fund NYSE listed)
MTU (Jap bank ADR listed on NYSE)

yes, I'm long the lot of them. I expect them to return 20% or more from today's prices at some stage during 2010 (not necessarily at 31.12.10) MTU and Copper likely to have most upside.