Thursday, 1 April 2010

EXCLUSIVE: UK to sell Falklands to Argentina to reduce Deficit

Capitalists@Work have been leaked a secret memo which has been doing the rounds between the FCO and the Treasury. In it it reveals a shocking discussion that the Government is considering secret negotiations to sell the Falkland Islands to Argentina; I will upload the document to wikileaks later today.

Although the first drill by Desire Plc was not successful, it is still believed that theere may be up to 60 billion barrels of oil off the Falkland Islands. This is estimated to be about 20% recoverable which means up to 12 billion barrells of oil reserves.

The ownership fo the Falklands has of  course long been disputed and was the subject of a war. However, Government mandarins believe that as long as gaurantees for the safety and self-Government of the Islands can be assured, then the sale to Argentina should go ahead. It is believed that the Argentines are prepared to pay $25 billion for the Islands and to enter into an agreement which ensures Britain would get a small share of future oil revenues.

The negotiations are still secret as the Government of the Falkland Islands has not been informed, but they are trying to get the deal signed just before the election is called in the UK next week.

The money raised would be used to help reduce Britiains large deficit. of course once this deal is done, I fear that it won't be long before we are also hearing about similar discussions surrounding Gibraltar and Spain.


Unknown said...

I think it might be safe to call "April Fool" on this one...

Saturn V said...

It looks like an April Fool. But with Gordon 'Courage' Brown it could easily be true. Will hold off judgment on this one.

Budgie said...

Hey, are you selling the Tower bridge as well?

Mind you, with Bruin selling off Westinghouse just before giving the ok to more nuclear power stations, this seems all too believable, as Saturn V says.

Old BE said...

This is a bit too plausible for 1st April.

Anonymous said...

Very likely true

Since we are engaged in perpetual war in Afg, to maintain the drug flow to keep the CIA funded, all we have left to defend the Islands with is Milipede and his banana.

Sell Sell Sell!
And Buy back some gold before someone decides on an audt.

Philipa said...

I'd have been outraged if it wasn't April 1st.

CityUnslicker said...

I am all for it, we need to reduce debts and fight less wars!

Sackerson said...

So long as they don't pay us in dollars... or pounds... or euros...

The Ror said...

Given the new synergy between the blogosphere and politics, expect this to become policy for all 2.5 parties

Anonymous said...

He sold all the Gold Reserves so not a real April Fool joke.

how to go bankrupt said...

Funny stuff