Sunday, 24 October 2010

Back to reality or fantasy?

After a not very relaxing but quite enjoyable holiday, I am back. I managed due to poor connection to not even look at a computer screen for a week and the blackberry barely worked either, which has proved therapeutic for my RSI. So quite a lot to catch up on back in Blighty. Can't say much has happened that I did not expect (portfolio of shares seems to have done pretty well though!).

Having been away though, I am not sure I can stand years of this to come. Basically, the departments, quango's BBC and leftist media are going to sulk in a collective binge of whining that their idiotic policies are being rolled back.

It makes the mountain the Government has to climb so much more challenging, due to  New Labour so effectively leaving its placemen behind (this is another pathetic whinge from the head of common purpose no less). Also because the public sector is to be shrunk by a relatively modest amount it seems the actual departments themselves feel free to join in the scrum.

Meanwhile no doubt, the real world will march on, hopefully with more sanity than the past 13 years allowed for and with some hope that the mountain, thought steep, can be conquered.


Praguetory said...

Not wishing to raise your blog pressure after your break, but I'm guessing you haven't see Will Hutton's latest article in the Observer.

In a nutshell, a man whose organisation has just gone to the wall thanks to a massive unfunded pension deficit claims that UK debt is actually low and that spending Labour-style must continue at a macro level - and I don't think he was trying to be funny.

CityUnslicker said...

Saw it, another f-muppet. Typical the BBC are whooping it up too.

Have not faith in economists, they have been wrong about everything in the past few years, the ones who have been right are so few as to not worry about.

Check out the bank of england, full of them and hardly put a foot right in 3 years.

Steven_L said...

Common Purpose? You turned into a conspiracy loon while you were away?

If you listen to then Cameron and Osborne are also Common Purpose stooges!

The also think the BofE planned all this years ago!

Budgie said...

Unfortunately the cuts are only in a few departments, but overall public spending is due to rise (and that is at record low interest rates).

The Coalition has cut and ring fenced the wrong things. If they had exactly reversed them, it couldn't have been worse.

We are to go ahead and build the 2 aircraft carriers, but without any planes to fly off them (supposedly until 2020). The Cleggerons have also scrapped the Harriers and the Ark Royal. All the while increasing our danegeld to the EU and to DfID.

The whole exercise is barking; and so is Camerlegg.

Praguetory said...

The Beeb love people with a (non-blog) 'platform'. Take the platform away, I say. Leather's something to do with the Charities Commission isn't she as if that has been a motor for charitable innovation and growth.

hatfield girl said...

Somewhat o/t is the woman in that pic serious about her tights? Cheap tights not pulled up properly and with earlier wear from under the heel displayed on the front of her ankle? Sloven.

Dick the Prick said...

Is it wrong to find Suzi Leather a bit of an aged milf? I'll get my coat.

James Higham said...

It makes the mountain the Government has to climb so much more challenging, due to New Labour so effectively leaving its placemen behind (this is another pathetic whinge from the head of common purpose no less).

If you think sanity is returning though, it is to calculate without the EU and its placemen. They are very well placed and in every nook and cranny which counts, e.g. head of Yorkshire Forward, Hutton's been mentioned above etc.

Even at this moment, Lisbon is being redefined and Westminster are to rubber stamp it. You'll not find that in the MSM but it's there in black and white in the EU lit.