David Dimbleby is joined in Edinburgh by
Michael Moore MP,{Coalition secretary of state for Scotland. caught in the same sting that shut Vince Cable up. Tuition fee for-against-for-against supporter.}
Douglas Alexander MP,{Shadow foreign secretary .."it was an SNP decision on Megrahi, not Labour..really! Why won't anyone believe us?". Got the blame for the election that never was in 2007. He was right though. Brown would have won.
Annabel Goldie MSP, {Feisty leader of Conservatives in Scotland, which must be a pretty lonely job.}
Patrick Harvie MSP,{Scots Green party .. civil liberty and climate change expert.}
Nicola Sturgeon MSP {well known deputy SNP Salmond. Very convincing sounding, even when she's wrong.}
and Nick Ferrari {London broadcaster who is travelling a long way to get booed.}.
UpdateMalcolm Tucker -- 24.5
BQ -- 24.5
Timbo614 -- 23
Miss S-J -- 22.5
Botogol - 22
Nick Drew -- 21
Appointment to the board - 17.5
Hatfield Girl --17
CU - 16.5
Miss CD --16
Hovis - 15.5
Dick the prick -15.5
Anon -12
Woman on a Raft -7
Steven_L - 7
Andrew --6.5
Measured -- 6
Budgie 5
Mark Wadsworth - 4.5
GSD -- 4
Blue Eyes - 3.5
Alan -2
BQ chooses -
1. Sarkozy and should there be a no fly zone?
2. Pensions, final salary and the public/private civil war?
3. Barnsley by election. Woes for the Libs. Will this result mean a 278 majority for Labour at the election?
4. Free shares for all.Is this move a lifeline for liberals to claw back some votes.
5. Old Firm game policing and sectarian violence?
2. Pensions, final salary and the public/private civil war?
3. Barnsley by election. Woes for the Libs. Will this result mean a 278 majority for Labour at the election?
4. Free shares for all.Is this move a lifeline for liberals to claw back some votes.
5. Old Firm game policing and sectarian violence?
1) Prince Andrew - sassenach plonker or what?
2) Don't be vague, lay off Hague (double-meaning intended)...
3) ... blurring into Libya / no-fly zone / why-oh-why don't we have the Ark Royal steaming into futility etc: with a definite helping of added Megrahi
4) public service pay & pensions, special reference to Police (or Pollis as they say in those parts)
+ some parochial scotty drivel, why won't Salmond come up with a referendum etc etc
Bonus question: are the Scots going to get walloped at Twickers on Sunday ? (ans: yes)
- Should the west enforce a no-fly zone in Libya
- Are public sector workers paying for the banks profiglacy with their pensions?
- does the Scotland Bill go anywhere near far enough?
- will banning tobacco displays make any difference
- will the panel vote Y or N to AV?
- what did the panel do to celebrate international woman's day
1. Police numbers. Can having less police on the beat make us all safer/
2. Asbestos claims. how can people claim for something that wasn't known about?
3.Deaths from smoking to fall 100% now all the packets are hidden from view. {This is just to set up Ferrari for a booing.Everyone else will say its a great thing and use the 'if one life is saved..' defence.
4. No fly zones. Now the USA has closed the Libyan embassy are they still necessary?
5. Pensions, salaries and lots of people using false data to support their views.
- SAS mission. What do you think you're doing. Stop It!
- Intervention in Libya-Lockerbie/Iraq waffle.
- where's my pension gone? Public sector goes private.
- Celtic-Rangers Lennon race remarks and religious extremists.
- Scottish councilor's salaries and expenses
If Time 'Giro Bay' map story and parks.
1. Welsh referendum - should scotland be more independent
2 Libya - focsu maybe on al megrahi release given all the guilt on the panel.
3 Evil tory cuts on pensions, police
4 football violence, caused by tory fans not sectarianism.
5 cigarette package ban
Following the rule of 6
1 pensions - can we afford gold plated ones in the public sector when half the private sector has none at all
2 police - should we recognise that they are just ordinary people or expect them to work to higher ideals
3 protestants v catholics - is this the resurgence of football hooliganism or older divisions
4 planes - is it right to enforce a no-fly zone in Libya
5 princes - does Prince Andrew deserve any respect. Is he a good representative for the UK
6 prices - interest rates have not risen, oil and food is, what next for the economy
... things that start with p.
What is the point of a secretary of state for Scotland when there is a Scottish parliament with all the appropriate offices covered?
Does the panel think that a man building a villa on the sea and driving about Tripoli in a red Lamborghini is more likely to die within three months from:
a - drowning
b - a road accident
c - aerial bombardment
d - cancer
Does delaying the count until the next day hinder or help the Labour vote in Scotland?
Who will win the Irish dancing championships in Glasgow? Does the panel think it is cultural oppression to have the Irish hold their jig there?
Had Scotland managed to grasp its independence within Europe would it now be as bankrupt as Ireland?
Hmm. I thought it was Wednesday :(
1) Libya / Gadaffi / Megrahi and why the Scots did it? Merged with Cameron's SAS mission bungling?
That's half the program gone!
2) Do the panel think we can rely on entrepreneurs to dig in for economic victory?
3) Fuel prices: should the government do more than drop the proposed duty increase in the budget and actually cut it?
4) Probably a public pensions poser?
Throwaways: How many Giro's does it take to fill a Scottish bay? or Anti-Smoking gone mad plain packets and dirty under the counter drawers!
hmm - I have absolutely no idea what Scots ppl are wound up about atm. So, expecting to get a duck, here goes:
1) the Other royal wedding (Zara's).
2) Public pensions - will Scotland follow Westminster or will they be different somehow (like they have with student fees, nhs prescriptions etc).
3) Libya - can/should a rebel government be recognised while the fighting continues?
4) Free shares - can Westminster really give away the RBS?
1. Libya
- revolution in the Arab world after John Major stated the blooming obvious today
- the comment "well, you sent him back" re Megrahi
- the role of 'not alone NATO'. I hope someone plugs what the UN's role should be
- Ghaddafi offering £410k to anyone who shops their cousin or neighbour.
2. Cigarettes
- will it stop smoking if you can't see them? "Yes, but not you, Love. The next generation."
- put plain labels on whisky bottles? ...er, no.
3. Independence
- governing ourselves / making cuts / the Scottish Parliament
- EU / ECJ / ECHR / Law
- being responsible at this time ..... atrophy sets in.
4. Was the £50 fine for trashing the Amistice Day wreaths was too low?
- cutting the Police will not help public order
- if the man couldn't afford more, what do you suggest?
5. Pension schemes and the public sector
- should we cut pensions to save front line services?
- who is taking the brunt of this?
- final salary schemes are so yesterday. Well, yes, they are for the long suffering private sector.
Oh, an extra mark every time the procurator fiscal is mentioned?
1. That Muslim bloke who was fined £50 for burning poppies.
2. Hague/SAS debacle.
3. No-fly zone.
4. Police and public sector pensions.
5. Tobacco display ban.
WV: schoolsnhospitals
Just realised that the Irish dancing I've been wasting time watching entranced today is film of last year's competition, so I'll have to withdraw one of my questions. This year it's to be held in Dublin, as it should be.
1) Lockerbie bomber / Libya
2) Public sector pensions / Bob Diamonds bonus
3) Petrol prices, should the Scottish gvt set fuel duty, how come when the oil is Scottish etc
4) Tobacco display ban, why are the SNP useless, is it an excuse for NHS cuts?
5) Old firm violence.
OK, so I've been following events in Wisconsin and listening to Test Dept (surprisingly good warm up material for QT as it features bagpipes. And didgeridoos. Often at the same time) all day, so if I overdo the socialism, thats why and apologies all round.
1. Some mostrous catch-all question about Libya that covers NFZ, whether Hague wants to get back to the after dinner circuit and the Scots releasing al-Megrahi. A wag in the audience to suggest sending the combined might of Neil Lennon, Ally McCoist and El Hadji Diouf to sort it out as a replacement for having armed forces.
2. Why are decent hardworking taxpayers giving so much money to workshy police, teachers and nurses pension funds when we could be using the money to subsidise the lifestlyes of multimillionaire tax avoiders?
3. sectarian violence. Just down to football, society, or weegies being a bunch of eejits? Expect much uncomfortable shifting in seats and no real answers from the Scots. Arguably, the more interesting Scottish question would be on university tuition fees, or even a Lib Lab coalition in Scotland after the election, but hey...
4.Plain clothed cigarettes? What next, selling Buckfast by the glass? Get your bingo cards at the ready for nanny state, nudging, and, dare I say it, political correctness gone mad appearing for a second week in a row?
5. Is public sector employee Stephen Hester worth every penny of his £7.7m salary - and will his pension be his career average or final salary?
That is all.
- Pension reform - will hit Scots disproportionately harder as they are nearly all public sector.
- Was government right to stick to interest rate.
- Football hooliganism. Why is Scotland still 25 years behind the rest of the UK ? {Except Wales, where it is 10 years ahead}
- Alexander blames Tories for the SAS but doesn't explain what should be done to help Libya. Manages to say yes and no to the no fly zone.
- Have the Tory-led coalition hit the police the hardest "because they cannot go on strike"
{exactly what Labour did too}
- 1st question - Is Prince Andrew a liability? oddly Danny distances himself. More than that. He does not agree with Chris 'hissy fit' Bryant who mounted the attack.
Audience don't really agree. Finds a way to attack 'big society'.
Its all grown up answers from the panel. Something |Scottish QT always delivers.
- Is Billy Hague up to the job?
Poor judgement says DA. AG brings up Blair-Libya-Megrahi. {Bonus points all round!}
PH keeps taking to the panel. Look at the audience Pat.. Where's your media training? MM brings up Iraq and dodgy dossier. {More bonus points}NF thinks he's no good. To much applause.
- Is Al Megrahi laughing at Kenny?
SNP on the backfoot again. Still a very divisive issue. But I'm bored by it now.
- Barnsley - Lib dem meltdown. {zinger for me}
MM is disappointed. Dimbey has a pop at it not being such a great Labour victory. "You could have put up a cat". NF has a good dig at the LIB Dem conference policing costs. As usual Lib campaign lies are their undoing.
PS cuts are evil from the green loony.
- Scotland's old firm fighting.
Scores -
BQ - 2.5
ND - 1.5 for the top Hague question makes it 3.5
Botogol - not your best night -1
Miss CD - same - 1
Malcolm Tucker -Good one. 2.5
CU - pretty good - 3
Andrew - Good effort. {6 questions though?} - still ..- 2.5
HG - Double points for Megrahi/Lambourghini - 2
Dick the Prick - Quality - 3 top hits
Timbo614 Well - started well .. then nothing. -2.
GSD - it was another regional tough one - just -1
Measured. 2 for Libya/Megrahi + 1/2 for that great comment =2.5
MW - tricky these Scots ones. - still 2 points. Good - 2
Steven_L - Old firm was a good choice ... 2.5
Appointmenttotheboard - spot on {mostly from your 1st guess.} -3.5
Miss S-J . two for you too -2.
This weeks winners are
Nick Drew
Still waiting for that high speed rail link preference?
Ah, that explains the rollover prize...
Not too fussed on the final destination, but as I'm watching This Week, I wouldn't be too upset if it went through Adam "Don't tell me what I think" Boulton's back garden on its way there...
[shakes head] Just as discussed with Alan ... celebrity princes and football. It's supposed to be a political show!
"sassenach plonker"
My ambition to rise from mid-table obscurity is a slow and complicated process. Hmmm...
Cheers BQ.
high speed rail extension
well, FHB & all that: dunno what Appointmenttotheboard reckons, but I say, why not go the whole hog for keynesian job-creation ?
- Birmingham-Holyhead-Dublin via a super new tunnel
oh, and solely powered by wind-generated electricity, naturally
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