Thursday, 11 August 2011

Vote for Us and save yourself

In case you have nothing to do and are considering looting because,

"u iz lyk, bord"

Here is a small distraction that may allow you to redeem yourself in the view of soceity simply fill in the form and tell the world you could'nt be without us....

Click here to vote in the Total Politics Blog Awards 2011


Timbo614 said...

wot kategary do u fink u go in I kant find you coz u dont seem to fit :)
gizzom'elp m8

measured said...

Question Time Special! Tonight, returning in earnest on 8th September.

Where's BQ? Not still on a Rothschild yacht?

CityUnslicker said...

Timbo - don;'t complicate matters, vote early vote often.

Measured - its up. Quango MIA.

Electro-Kevin said...

knt b bvrd.


Timbo614 said...

wossit worf? me trainers are 4 days old and me mum want's 1 of them tellys too...