Saturday, 13 April 2013

Some Weekend Reading

Rather busy at the moment, and for a couple of weeks to come, but I still make time for the Grauniad - to keep up the blood-pressure, and the supply of recreational belly-laughs.

Here are two pieces you might like.  Firstly, a classic Moonbat.  I like George, he's obviously got some defects in his wiring, but he's an honest fellow and genuinely willing to change his views when the inconvenient facts get right under his nose.  And that, friends, is the mark of someone whose right brain has proper control over their doctrinaire left.  Here, he's noticed that Europe's 'green' policies (inter alia) are simply exporting our emissions to China et al on a grand scale.  Well yes of course!- but it's a pleasure to see a greenie-leftie wise-up to this fact. 

Also a lot of fun to read the bonkers comments that follow.  Which brings us onto the second piece: a little essay on the demise of the UK coal industry, and the consequent flurry of staggering CiF ignorance and horrible greenie-leftie agonising on the subject.  Actually, not so many of the greenies in evidence here - they obviously don't feel very welcome on a pro-Scargill thread.  Watch for the good 'Pat Logan' valiantly injecting facts into an otherwise fact-free desert.



Electro-Kevin said...


Pat Logan's comments are great.

Scargill was an odious man.

Anonymous said...

ND, is that left-brain-right-brain stuff meant as a political point or something more neuro?

andrew said...

scargill ended up doing many of the things he castigated the "bosses" for.
Turns out he got the num to pay for his rent since '91 to last Christmas

Diogenes Sinope said...

Coal down under and how is it seen from Oz. Not the ding dong one.

Overheated property market; 2 speed economy based on geography; high level of illegal immigrants doing jobs locals don't want to do.

Wonder if UKIP are considering opening an office.

Timbo614 said...

Pat Logan and Tingler made that discussion. I commented at the end:

A great discussion today, I've enjoyed it.
But no one has mentioned that IF the coal became worth getting in say 20 years time, it would not be miners that mined it, technologists would become miners, it would probably be extracted by robots.

They need no light, no air, probably not bothered by gas unless it exploded. The robot attrition rate would be high, but hey its just a machine, probably dig itself out of a collapse.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see Femen's article in the Guardian after their latest stunt? I thought it was genuinely laugh out loud funny:

These women have been making the news for something like three years now and I still have no idea what they're actually about.

Putin's two thumbs up reaction totally disarmed their protest but they still think men are scared of breasts?

Anonymous said...


I agree.... A welcome balance of sane contributors on the CiF forum to balance out the loons...

I'm also pleased that in the wake of Lady T's demise, some old facts are now out there to slap down the bullshit...

Ultimately though, the lefties believe in statism as they want someone else to take care of them and someone else to blame when that doesn't work out so well...

Electro-Kevin said...

Why didn't Mrs T reward the Nottingham and Derby miners for standing against Scargill ?

I have replied to the previous post on pit closures. Ryan's comment in particular.

I have a hollow core door to paint (among other things) so not too much time today.

Nick Drew said...

EK - glad you liked it. I enjoyed the 2 Hitchens pieces n'all (I first met him 36 years ago - he is an odd little man: preferable to, but always suffering from, his brother)

Andrew, Timbo, Diogenes, anon3 - yes, a lot of fun. I haven't swung in on the coal threads, being a bit busy ... but Scargill is certainly the very proof of why the unions needed crushing (- even though this has had some negative consequences)

anon1 - both: but the neuro point is literal, the political point joking, because there are (almost) as many left-brain-dominated right-wing nutters as left-wing, they just don't make much of a Doctrine of it

Ryan said...

"But no one has mentioned that IF the coal became worth getting in say 20 years time, it would not be miners that mined it, technologists would become miners, it would probably be extracted by robots."

Very good point. I think if coal mining was a modern UK industry there is no way that Health & Safety would let human beings down at the coal face. It would have to be dug by robotic machines with the humans standing well back.

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assurance info said...

""" Here are two pieces you might like. Firstly, a classic Moonbat. I like George, he's obviously got some defects in his wiring, but he's an honest fellow and genuinely willing to change his views when the inconvenient facts get right under his nose. And that, friends, is the mark of someone whose right brain has proper control over their doctrinaire left. Here, he's noticed that Europe's 'green' policies (inter alia) are simply exporting our emissions to China et al on a grand scale. Well yes of course!- but it's a pleasure to see a greenie-leftie wise-up to this fact. """

Agence communication said...

wonderful to read that points """ Here are two pieces you might like. Firstly, a classic Moonbat. I like George, he's obviously got some defects in his wiring, but he's an honest fellow and genuinely willing to change his views when the inconvenient facts get right under his nose. And that, friends, is the mark of someone whose right brain has proper control over their doctrinaire left. Here, he's noticed that Europe's 'green' policies (inter alia) are simply exporting our emissions to China et al on a grand scale. Well yes of course!- but it's a pleasure to see a greenie-leftie wise-up to this fact. ""