When you take the Government takes a long time to decide, it's slow.
When Ed Miliband takes a long time, he's thorough.
When the Government won't do it, it's lazy and cold-hearted.
When Labour won't do it, they're caring of the poor.
When The Government make a mistake, they're incompetent idiots
When Ed Balls makes a mistake at the red lights, he's only human.
When Government acts without mass consultation, it's overstepping its authority.
When your Labour do the same thing, that's initiative.
When The Government holds its position, they are being pig-headed.
When your Ed Milliband does it, he's being firm.
When they pass legislation that is popular, the Government is giving into base demagoguery.
When your Labour pleases the Unions, they being co-operative.
When Ministers out of the office, they are shirking at burger joints.
When your Ed Milliband is out of the office, he's on business.
When David Cameron takes a break, he's a lazy slacker.
When your Ed Milliband has a holiday, it's because he's overworked.
without any links this smacks of straw man-ism CU.
That burger thing was hilarious though. who in their right mind would be judgemental over a 'posh' burger. Guess gideon has no friends at the scum. therin lies part of the problem. the MSM get to frame much of what passes for debate
Should we rename you CityUnslacker?
Its a shame we can't have proper discussion. A shame that Osborne has to pretend he's an ordinary, down the pub, Aldi shopping, Cobra beer drinking, Britain's Got Talent texting, Sunderland FC supporting, Top Gear watching, fancies himself an expert yachtsman on the boating lake paddling, dogging curious sort of bloke.
If we lived in any normal sort of society. A society where someone's integrity wasn't automatically suspected if they live below Watford.
Where sneering and point scoring weren't powerful cards in the nation's political debates.
If we lived in a society where we could accept that our leaders were trying to what they thought was best and not automatically trying to rob us just because they are our leaders..
If we lived in some facsimile of a society like that then George Osborne could have come out of number 11 Downing Street and said...
"Yep..I ate a posh burger. In fact..I often eat posh burgers. I LIKE posh burgers. I like the better quality meat and thicker burger and fresher salad..I like McDonald's and Burger King too. But my favourite's are the posh ones.
So..having spent weeks and weeks, working late into the night on the spending review..I thought..I'd treat myself. What's wrong with that?
Don't you buy something you like when you want to? Or do you only have what everyone else has?
I know it might seem an extravagance to someone on minimum wage in a part time job or to a pensioner without any savings..But I'm not a pensioner without savings. And I'm not on minimum wage.
I'm the Chancellor of Her Majesty's Exchequer. I earn £120,000 a year. Even on 40% tax that does still give me some £1500 a week to spend.
And..it should be noted, I'm heir to a trust of some £4 million pounds from my father's wallpaper and paint business.
So..I can get by. I can afford a £10 burger if I wish.
And..as a Tory, I'm not ashamed to say that personal choice is the very ethos of everything I believe.
Unlike Mr Miliband's philosophy, I don't subscribe to a desire for a national framework for hamburger pricing to ensure that everyone gets an equal burger.
I don't want to close private burger bars so that those unable to afford a £10 bun can be comforted by knowing that no-one may have one. Of course, no-one having one doesn't make that person actually have one themselves. It just deprives everyone else which somehow is supposed to make us all better off.
No. I subscribe to the private individual's choice to legally do what they wish with the money they have earned and ALREADY paid tax on.
What business is it of mine to tell you what you spend on soup? To remind you that the Covent Garden Soup company is 3 x the price of a cuppa soup and imply that if you drink it, you're posher and better than everyone else. Or somehow uncaring because you like a good soup.
Should I lecture £350,000pa broadcaster Jeremy Vine on the cost of his Glastonbury wellies when he seeks to suggest that there should somehow be some sort of fast food- meat based snack cap?
No. He earned his money. If he can blag a free ticket to Glastonbury from the BBC then his Hunter's wellington boots, that he paid several hundred pounds for instead of the far cheaper Clarke's similar ones, are his own business.
Should I ask Polly Toynbee if she ever has smoked salmon at her Islington dinner parties? If she buys Marks and Spencer's bread rolls instead of Greggs ?
Should I make her feel guilty that she can pop to Waitrose for bin bags whilst a single mother of four has to make do with Lidl's own?
No. I should not. And the beauty of everything I, as a free marketeer, as a capitalist; believe, is that our society provides a range of products and services for everyone and every budget in the most efficient way.
I'm able to afford a £10 burger. And that I can eat a cheese and bacon deluxe, doesn't mean someone else can't have one one.. There are burgers for everyone.
So, I'm going to continue to buy the expensive burgers whenever I feel the desire. I'm going to eat them, relatively, if i ignore my waistline, guilt free.
Because they aren't on expenses. They are paid out of my wallet. With my money. For my benefit.
And I love them.
Thank you.
{policeman opens door - Chancellor goes inside}
{verification req~d that they actually came out of his own wallet and not exces. If its exces the argument rather disappears.}
Rant over - have a good weekend
Very true.
I wonder if - when Nelson Mandela finally passes - the BBC will describe him as a 'divisive' figure.
After all he did have to resort to terrorism to make his point. Nothing more divisive than that, surely ?
I had a ridiculous argument on Twitter with a lefty about this. I said that I had once paid £50 for a burger meal. It is true. I did. Once. You don't even have to be a millionaire to treat yourself once in a while. I take a sandwich or leftovers into the office nearly every day. I really don't spend a lot on glamorous meals. But because I once spent £50 on an upmarket burger on my brother's birthday am I now somehow a toff? Apparently so.
What a stupid politics we have.
Separating a head from it's body is a touch divisive too, I suggest.
wv: spoilsman --- HTF DO THEY DO IT????
There's no arguing with the righteous BE.
If you really want them to see the light - flamethrowers.
I know lots of people who have big expensive TVs.
I dont have one.
I dont eat burgers (expensive or cheap)
Some have more money than me and some less.
I feel uncertain of my place in society at the moment.
I was that single mother with 3 children to support (not on benefits I might add) and it was hard in many ways. However I don't think I ever spent money on a bin liner (and I still don't) as I use plastic carrier bags when they have reached the end of their life as bags. By such thrifty ways I was able to have the occasional treat usually of the chocolate variety rather than a £10 burger.
I agree GO shouldn't have to apologise for his good fortune or pretend he doesn't have it. Life isn't fair......some people need to get over it.
The Dichotomy of Modern Politics is one of the great result really... i like it so much as well as i find it very important to us to know it ... when i read it i find it deals with so many tools that are very good and very effective for the contunite of any governement.in this respect i will share those notes with my friends because they are so important and vital..
The Dichotomy of Modern Politics... ... wow is great idea ..this is one of the great and very interesting articles that i read .......... i find it useful and perfect because it can solve so many issues that happen to us...... when i read it i get the message and i know the key way that will provide me with good solution ..... so thanks so much for this article is very great ...... and very interesting ..... to share it with us is like a honor from you ........thanks a lot ...
ohhh.....,,, c'est l'une des grandes et très intéressant articles que j'ai lu .......... Je trouve qu'il est utile et parfait, car il peut résoudre tant de problèmes qui nous arrivent ...... quand je lis, je reçois le message et je sais que l'élément clé qui va me donner une bonne solution ..... donc merci beaucoup pour cet article est très grand ...... et très intéressant ..... à partager avec nous, c'est comme un honneur de vous ........ merci beaucoup ...
i completely agree on this said "" Its a shame we can't have proper discussion. A shame that Osborne has to pretend he's an ordinary, down the pub, Aldi shopping, Cobra beer drinking, Britain's Got Talent texting, Sunderland FC supporting, Top Gear watching, fancies himself an expert yachtsman on the boating lake paddling, dogging curious sort of bloke.
If we lived in any normal sort of society. A society where someone's integrity wasn't automatically suspected if they live below Watford.
Where sneering and point scoring weren't powerful cards in the nation's political debates.
If we lived in a society where we could accept that our leaders were trying to what they thought was best and not automatically trying to rob us just because they are our leaders..""
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