Thursday, 16 October 2014

"UK Blocks Russian Deal" - Interesting

The issue of sanctions against Russia over Ukraine has gone a bit quiet of late:  they don't play at all well in Germany (I wonder how they are being circumvented ?) - and then there are those assault ships sitting in a French dockyard ...

Anyhow, in a rather passive manner the UK seems to have played the game with a straight bat by denying Mikhail Fridman a 'comfort letter' re: his planned acquisition of RWE's North Sea assets - something else that may not sit well with our German friends.

RWE, it will be recalled (click on label), along with its fellow German mega-utilities is right up a gum-tree, courtesy of Berlin's demented energy policies - wildly, infeasibly green + anti nuke.  They will all be making big asset sales in an attempt to steady the balance sheets: and RWE is in the bed nearest the door.  They need the dosh, and now we've stopped it.

This is the thanks Germany gets for letting the Hinkley Point nonsense go through the EC?!
EDF Radioactive Turd

But on that front, there is someone else with a mighty beef: the French have let EDF's CEO go !  Just hours after his Hinkley triumph.  Not green enough, they say.  Of course he's not:  FFS, he's the bright orange, glow-in-the-dark head of EDF !  Le Turd Radioactif lui-même !

Couldn't happen to a nicer chap:  I laughed until I stopped.  In this country he would have been given a peerage.  Perhaps Cameron will.



andrew said...

well, if this pans out all bets are really off (in a good way)

fusion power in a shipping container

Disclaimer: yes I am long LMT since nov 13, but not due to this.

Anonymous said...

Could bring a whole new dimension to ram-raiding

CityUnslicker said...

That is the best caption to a photo we have ever managed on the blog - hurrah!

CityUnslicker said...

Lockheed have few real military orders Andrew. This is a rather desperate plea for something for some money. My recollection is that this is the purpose of skunkworks?

Steven_L said...

Couldn't they just chip in with some likeminded folk and buy the presidency again?

Anonymous said...

Do you think EDF will end up owning all the German utilities? As in UK?

Anonymous said...

Hang on. Read that link.

"U.S. submarines and aircraft carriers run on nuclear power, but they have large fusion reactors on board that have to be replaced on a regular cycle."

I think that should be 'fission'.

Whether thorium fission or hydrogen fusion comes to the rescue, we still can't increase energy production indefinitely without finding a way to get rid of the excess heat from the earth and atmosphere. That will be on the impossible side of tricky. That's a big point in favour of sensible renewables e.g. solar in hot places.

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