Sunday, 7 June 2015

Here's Desperate

A fitting tribute to Charles Kennedy would be a revival of popular liberalism - Will Hutton 
But in the same Observer issue ... 
As Labour tries to resolve its past, the Tories are mapping the future - Andrew Rawnsley 
Haha.  (One day, someone will write the story of how Hutton comprehensively f**ked up the once-worthy Industrial Society.  It may be me.)

PS: see what Rawnsley says about "this is an election to lose" ...  a man after my own heart: there is NEVER an election to lose.


Sackerson said...

Please do!

Bill Quango MP said...

"The society spent more on salaries than it received in income..." Wiki.

Why do progressives struggle with this simple part of business, so very much?
And did you see PEcthe other week? Mildly lampooning Hutton for writing the same book three times.

dearieme said...

Hutton seems to have been around forever; he's been a dolt throughout.

Blue Eyes said...

"Why do progressives struggle with this simple part of business"

It boosts demand overall and the returns flow back in shortly after? Umm.

BrianSJ said...

Interesting energy policy post at

Nick Drew said...

Brian, I took a look at that - and it wasn't to my taste! But thanks for the link anyhow

"an underestimate of how efficient offshore wind turbines are" - maybe, but as an old offshore oil&gas man (well, gas in fact) I'd say the costs and general difficulties of offshore maintenance have been (significantly) underestimated also, at least for the 'over-the-horizon' arrays

I am pretty confident they'll find that a 100-turbine wind array will be down to 98, then 95, then 90 turbines after a few years, which will need quite a big efficiency gain to overcome

say after me: no-one conducts maintenance on an unmanned offshore facility in the North Sea in winter

BrianSJ said...

Offshore wind is only now tackling the horrors of getting from a boat to a turbine without killing people regularly. Can see why not to your taste, but better informed than most of the Scottish energy discussion.

Gordon the Fence Post Tortoise said...

Re - windfarms offshore.

From what I've heard the wallies have also not been keen to bring in fossil fuel tainted expertise offshore - so they've been (and still are) iterating the engineering - sometimes into toe-curl / eye roll territory.

I laughed at one piece I saw last year which afaics featured an Ikea sofa bed and a pricey bean to cup espresso machine in the nacelle cabin "in case inclement weather required an extended stay"...

Anonymous said...

I see there was recently an- gas oil spill off Barrow after collision of service craft- only gas oil. And very little made of it.

Nick Drew said...

Brian, Anon: obviously a whole area to keep an eye on

welcome, Mr Tortoise: that would be one uncomfortable 'extended stay' ! - coffee or no coffee

I have spent nights out on some of the smaller permanently-manned platforms that weren't a happy experience, even in October ...