Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Is Project Fear really going too far ?

Here is Vote Remain's daily warning about the dangers of a UK exit of the European Union.
The Treasury would like to stress that only some of these predictions 'may' happen. And only some of them 'could' occur. 

Though if any were to materialise they would take place within 24 hours of a Brexit vote.


Y Ddraig Goch said...

I'm still waiting for some brave, "edgy", satirical comedian at the "impartial" BBC to produce some sort of sketch where a deranged David Cameron is yelling at voters along the lines of ...

"Recession ... plagues of frogs ... hundreds of millions of jobs lost ... zombie apocalypse ... slightly more expensive air travel ... global thermonuclear war ..."

and then, as the men in white coats drag him away, his final words are

"You're all going to DIE!"

Perhaps I've just missed it.

Bill Quango MP said...

I have got the "You're All going to die!" vid lined up.

just waiting for him to go totally over the edge

Anonymous said...

My greatest fear is that the vote will be close and we'll have years of people going on, and on, and on, and on ....get the drift.

Hopefully some of the Colonel Blimp types will have died off by then.

hovis said...

@Anon: Only leaving the bovine and acquiescent you mean?

andrew said...

Never mind millions of dead...

*House prices might fall*

Job done.

andrew said...

Moreover, listening to R4 yesterday, turns out that if you have lived abroad for over 15y, you don't get to vote.

There are ~2.5m expats, many of whom live in the EU.

If Brexit wins by a few hundred K, expect a lot of complaints.

Steven_L said...

Great video BQ!

I'm tempted to have a go at one myself now. I've got Apple Motion and Final Cut Pro, I'm just not all that sure how to use the damned things!

Bill Quango MP said...

Steven_L : That was on windows movie maker which is really clunky. Half the time the cuts and clips you want to use can't be formatted.Its limited too. But it is simple.

I'd like to get a new one but the last one I bought was so complex I couldn't even get the images up.

Steven_L said...

Final Cut Pro is pretty simple for just editing actual video footage and putting titles on etc.

Motion is pretty complex. I sat at the dining room table for well over an hour copying a youtube tutorial on how to make a simple 5 second lens flare / particle collision title effect. And still got it wrong!

But my motion-designed snazzy scorecard for Turriff Cricket Club works!

John in Cheshire said...

Steven_L, if you want to buy visit editing software, I use Video Studio and it's very good. But you'll need a newish PC.

John in Cheshire said...

Correction - Video editing software. Predictive typing really is annoying sometimes.

Graeme said...

Does anyone know how Mark Carney keeps his job? He keeps making statements tht are totally outside his remit - such as his belief that oil companies will have stranded assets (as if he is unaware of how plastics are made and other petrochem products), and now his statements about the consequences of Brexit, which are no more than suppositions. Why do people take him at all seriously?

Steven_L said...


I couldn't make my mind up between a new PC and having a shot with Adobe Creative Cloud or a (more expensive) Mac and the cheaper (but unless you're trying to do sci-fi movie type special effects pretty much as good) Apple software.

Then John Lewis had a 16GB Macbook Pro on their customer returns shelf at £1,100 instead of £1,549 and that helped me make up my mind. So I'm stuck with Apple for the foreseeable, but the vide editing bit is dead easy, it's just making your own graphics and effects that's hard.

I still would like to learn Adobe After Effects, it's pretty amazing what you can run on your laptop these days and how much of the hard work silicon valley have done for you. Then again I'd like to learn Spanish too. And practice my arm ball.

Electro-Kevin said...

Anon 12.05 - People like me are only late 40s early 50s and fitter than a lot of people in their twenties, so no chance.

I never knew anything other than a full-on and vibrant and multicultural London and am no Col Blimp.

That the EU has had such a disunifying effect on our country shows what a bad idea it is.

Electro-Kevin said...

If it is a Remain result then I think Brexit have a good case for a re-run.

James Higham said...

I'd like them to go way OTT and lose everyone.